37 results found
Health features
… help you avoid further complications and better manage of your symptoms. The main symptom of FM is pain that is felt in all parts of your body and lasts for at least three months. Over time, … pain becomes more constant, and it can affect more areas of your body. The location of the pain and the severity of the …
Health features
… some parts of the province. Too much heat can be harmful to your health and cause heat-related illnesses. Learn more … cool Heat-related illnesses Too much heat can be harmful to your health. Heat-related illness is the result of your body gaining heat faster than it can cool itself down. …
Health features
… common injuries and prevention tips will help keep you and your community members safe. Despite our efforts to keep … do to prevent injury Fall prevention Take steps to reduce your likelihood of a fall by staying active and maintaining your strength and balance. To learn more, see: Seniors' …
Health features
… alcohol at all. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy puts your baby at risk of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, also … drugs during pregnancy or while breastfeeding may harm your baby. This includes prohibited drugs but could also … For information on FASD and the effects it can have on your baby's health, see: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder …
Health features
… free for everyone 6 months and older. It's important to get your flu vaccine to protect yourself this fall and winter. To learn more, visit … common cold and COVID-19. If you are sick, stay home until your fever is gone to help prevent the spread of the flu or …
Health features
… ill, it might not be from Mycobacterium chimaera. See your doctor if you experience a combination of these signs … registered nurse any time of the day or night to ask about your symptoms and for advice on when to see a doctor. If you are having severe signs, contact your doctor right away or go to the nearest emergency. What …
Health features
… C, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you should go to your nearest emergency department immediately. It is … against infection ( HealthLinkBC File #97 ). To find your nearest emergency department, search the HealthLink BC … While providing emergency health servies While performing your duties as a fire fighter, emergency medical assistant, …