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21 results found
Health features
… one of a group of common bacteria that sometimes cause lung infections or severe illness in people with weakened immune … found in the environment from sources such as soil and water, including tap water. Canadian hospitals are aware of the risk of …
Health features
… fun outdoor meals can come with an increased risk of food borne illness (food poisoning) without thoughtful care and … hands, the cooking utensils and surfaces with hot soapy water (for at least 20 seconds). Bring along two sets of … for hand and surface cleaning if there is no hot soapy water available. Remember, hot soapy water is the best …
Health features
… experience issues such as poor air quality or contaminated water. For more information on emergency preparedness, … Sometimes smoky air can increase the risk of certain infections, such as COVID-19, for children, infants, older … Columbia: Recover after a wildfire . Food safety and water quality If there is a wildfire in your area, the power …
Health features
… your family. Featured topics Food safety The risk of foodborne illness can increase during the summer. This is … barbeque, picnic and camping meals: Disinfecting drinking water (HealthLinkBC File #49b) Food Safety: Easy ways to … Ultraviolet Radiation (HealthLinkBC File #11) Swimming and water safety Taking a dip in a pool, lake, river, or the …
Health features
… Unit: Poisoning Preventing poisoning in young children Water safety Learn about water safety to prevent swimming-related injury or drowning. … tips and more, see: BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit: Water Safety Child safety: Preventing drowning Safety tips …
Health features
… through the air. Ebola is not transmitted in food or water. If you take appropriate precautions, the risk of … Ebola are most infectious during the late stages of the infections when they are very ill How do I know if I have …
Health features
… may sometimes experience severe breathing difficulty during infections with respiratory viruses. In the event that … Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer Cough and …
Health features
… a variety of nutritious foods and drinking plenty of water will support your immune system and help keep you … Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria and can treat infections such as strep throat or sinus infections. They do not work against illnesses caused by a …