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… because it keeps organs like the brain and kidneys from getting the oxygen they need to work. ARDS … because it keeps organs like the brain and kidneys from getting the oxygen they need to work. ARDS …
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… metabolic rate , so their bodies use more water. A child's kidneys don't conserve water as well as an adult's kidneys. A child's natural defence system that helps fight … they may: Not drink because they don't feel thirsty. Have kidneys that don't work well. Choose not to drink because …
Health topics
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… lower blood sugar as a side effect. Have problems with your kidneys or liver. Low blood sugar levels can develop … lower blood sugar as a side effect. Have problems with your kidneys or liver. Low blood sugar levels can develop …
Health topics
… serious problems. These include damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, or brain. It can even be deadly. But you can do a … serious problems. These include damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, or brain. It can even be deadly. But you can do a …
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