2647 results found
Health topics
… What is shingles? Shingles is a painful skin rash . It's caused by the varicella zoster … But it's possible to get shingles more than once. What causes it? Shingles occurs when the virus that causes … (flu)-like symptoms. Later you may feel tingling or pain in an area on your body where a rash may occur a few …
Health topics
… cord or nerve roots being squeezed. This can cause back pain and numbness or weakness in one or both legs. In rare … at all or no symptoms until years later. Then you may have pain in your low back or buttock. Muscles in your leg may feel tight or weak. You may even limp. What causes it? Spondylolisthesis may be caused by problems with …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview A hip injury and pain can make it hard to walk, go up and down stairs, squat, … may bother you or cause you to worry. But if your hip isn't painful, in many cases the click or snap is nothing to worry … going more than 32 km (20 miles) per hour. Any event that causes severe bleeding that you cannot control. Any event …
Health topics
… of arthritis . It can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe. … and other tissues. Gout is most common in men. What causes it? Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the … attack of swelling, tenderness, redness, and intense pain in a joint, usually your big toe joint . It may get …
Health topics
… is the name given to several problems with jaw movement and pain in and around the jaw joints . They cause pain when you talk, chew, swallow, or yawn. You may also … chewing, swallowing, yawning, and other movements. What causes them? TMDs are caused by muscle tension, often …
Health topics
… parent or caregiver. A child who has a hip injury may feel pain in the hip, groin, thigh, or knee. A child in pain may limp or be unable or unwilling to stand, walk, or … going more than 32 km (20 miles) per hour. Any event that causes severe bleeding that you cannot control. Any event …
Health topics
… This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. What causes it? Many things can cause pericarditis, including: … known. What are the symptoms? The main symptom is a sharp pain in the centre or left side of your chest. The pain may spread to the shoulder blade. For some people, this …
Health topics
… What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread pain in the muscles and soft tissues. This pain is felt above and below the waist and on both sides of …
Health topics
… Information What is sciatica? Sciatica is pain, tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the … extend down the back of the leg to the ankle and foot. What causes it? The most common cause of sciatica is a bulging or … What are the symptoms? Symptoms of sciatica include pain that begins in your back or buttock and moves down your …
Health topics
… with fluids ( cysts ). Generalized breast lumpiness . Painless, movable, and firm round lumps ( fibroadenomas ). … ). Enlargement of lymph nodes in the breast. Breast pain ( mastalgia ). Breast infections ( mastitis ) or … within a year or two. It can feel uncomfortable. But if it causes pain or worry, talk with your doctor. There are …