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2647 results found
Health topics
… food from your throat to your stomach. Esophagitis can be painful and can make it hard to swallow. What causes it? Gastroesophageal reflux disease , or GERD, is the … Common symptoms of esophagitis include: Heartburn. Pain when you swallow. Trouble swallowing food or liquids. …
Health topics
… help with housework, cooking, and shopping. You will have pain in your lower belly and may need pain medicine for 1 to … or spinal anesthesia , used to numb sensation in the abdominal area. Only in an emergency situation or when an … headache after the delivery (related to anesthesia and the abdominal procedure). Bowel problems, such as constipation …
Health topics
… for the eyes to be irritated or have a scratchy feeling. Pain isn't a common eye problem unless there has been an … for the eyes to be slightly sensitive to light. But sudden, painful sensitivity to light is a serious problem. It may be … Vision changes Sudden problems such as new vision changes, pain in the eye, or increased drainage are often more …
Health topics
… contagious until the blisters are completely healed. What causes them? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex … in 7 to 10 days. For some people, cold sores can be very painful. Some people have the virus but don't get cold … usually isn't uncomfortable even if the sore is tender or painful. How are cold sores treated? Cold sores usually …
Health topics
… to a more serious tear that may need a doctor's care. What causes it? A calf injury is most often caused during sports … leg. It may be uncomfortable. You may have a twinge of pain. More serious muscle tears will cause very sharp pain and leave you barely able to walk. How can you care for …
Health topics
… that you have your wisdom teeth removed if they cause pain or an infection, crowd other teeth, or get stuck … before these teeth have broken through the gums. What causes problems with wisdom teeth? If your jaw is not big … An impacted wisdom tooth can crowd other teeth and create painful, swollen, and infected flaps in your gums. Wisdom …
Health topics
… coronary syndrome needs to be treated right away. What causes it? Acute coronary syndrome happens because blood … Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, …
Health topics
… Plantar warts can look like a callus. Warts are usually painless. But a wart that grows in a spot where you put … such as on a finger or the bottom of the foot, can be painful. How are they diagnosed? A doctor usually can tell … enters the body in an area of broken skin. The virus causes the top layer of skin to grow very fast, forming a …
Health topics
… Instead, the cervix opens (dilates) with little or no pain, usually before 24 weeks. This can lead to miscarriage … A weak cervix is different from preterm labour . Labour causes regular, painful contractions of the uterus. What causes it? It's not …
Health topics
… to the lymph nodes or other organs and cause swelling or pain. Are there different types of leukemia? There are … as acute promyelocytic leukemia (a subtype of AML). What causes it? Experts don't know what causes leukemia in most … menstrual bleeding. Frequent fevers. Night sweats. Bone pain. Unexplained appetite loss or recent weight loss. …