340 results found
Health topics
… The doctor makes a small cut in your eye and uses an ultrasound tool to break your cloudy lens apart. The small … Lens is broken up and removed, The probe uses sound waves (ultrasound) to break the cataract into small pieces. Then … The doctor makes a small cut in your eye and uses an ultrasound tool to break your cloudy lens apart. The small …
Health topics
… much. Vomit. Eat very little. How is it diagnosed? A fetal ultrasound can sometimes show the problem before birth. But … may need imaging tests, such as a CT scan , an MRI , or an ultrasound , that can give a picture of the brain with more … Skull Sutures and Bony Plates in Fetuses and Infants Fetal Ultrasound … Conditions Basics What is congenital …
Health topics
… How is it diagnosed? A miscarriage is diagnosed with: An ultrasound. This test helps your doctor see if a pregnancy … possible causes. Tests may include blood tests or a pelvic ultrasound. How is a miscarriage treated? There's no … Examinations and Tests A miscarriage is diagnosed with: An ultrasound. This test helps your doctor see if a pregnancy …
Health topics
… relaxed, and reduce stress . Roll breathing (also called abdominal breathing) The object of roll breathing is to … relaxed, and reduce stress . Roll breathing (also called abdominal breathing) The object of roll breathing is to …
Health topics
… to see if your cervix is softened or dilated. Use ultrasound to check your cervix. A shortened cervix can be a … will check your cervix often. The doctor or midwife may use ultrasound, pelvic examinations, or both. Cervical cerclage … to see if your cervix is softened or dilated. Use ultrasound to check your cervix. A shortened cervix can be a …
Health topics
… (Rh disease). These transfusions are done when: Doppler ultrasound of the middle cerebral artery suggests anemia. … is moderately to severely affected by Rh sensitization. Ultrasound shows evidence of fetal hydrops , such as swollen … (Rh disease). These transfusions are done when: Doppler ultrasound of the middle cerebral artery suggests anemia. …
Health topics
… to check the size of your uterus. Your doctor may do an ultrasound or other tests to see inside your uterus. You may … to check the size of your uterus. You may get an ultrasound or another type of test that shows pictures of … of the fibroids. Learn more Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy Pelvic Ultrasound Treatment Overview If your fibroids aren't …
Health topics
… the belly button (navel) and one lower on your abdomen. The abdominal cavity, where the reproductive organs are, is … harmless gas so that the surgeon can see and avoid injuring abdominal organs or the inside of the abdomen. The surgeon … not have abnormalities of the pelvic organs, have never had abdominal or pelvic surgery, and have never had an infection …
Health topics
… can you tell if you're carrying more than one baby? A fetal ultrasound can show how many babies are in your uterus. Your doctor or midwife can also use the ultrasound to check the health and growth of the babies. … at each visit. The doctor or midwife may also do a fetal ultrasound, check your blood pressure, and test your blood …
Health topics
… abdomen. This allows the surgeon to see and inspect the abdominal cavity for structural problems, sites of … Are interfering with the normal function of other abdominal organs, such as the bowels or bladder. A large … structures in the pelvis. Have penetrated deeply into an abdominal organ and cannot be safely removed by laparoscopy. …