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… often bleeds heavily. This is because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. … but often the injury is not severe and you can stop the bleeding with home treatment. When you can't stop the … known as shaken baby syndrome. Anyone with a head injury should be watched, especially from the causes noted above. …
Health topics
… cells. But if those young cells don't mature like they should, they can start to grow abnormally and out of control. Then they can crowd out … ribs. Or you may have pinpoint spots under the skin from bleeding. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical …
Health topics
… may remove several layers of skin. Usually there is little bleeding from a scrape, but it may ooze pinkish fluid. Most … need to be treated by a doctor. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a scrape? Scrapes are wounds that rub or tear off the … poison centre to find out what to do. Most chemicals should be rinsed off with lots of water, but with some …
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… normally. Clotting factor replacement therapy can treat bleeding episodes or prevent bleeding. It can prevent severe blood loss and complications … The concentrate is processed to kill any viruses that might have been in the plasma. Recombinant clotting factors are …
Health topics
… risk? Encephalopathy is most likely to occur in people who have high blood pressure in the portal vein system ( portal … that help lower portal hypertension and prevent variceal bleeding may actually increase your risk for encephalopathy. … may increase your risk include gastrointestinal bleeding, abnormal levels of electrolytes in the blood (especially low …
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… are less likely to break a facial bone. That's because they have fat pads that cushion their faces, and their bones are … come to. But unless something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass pretty quickly and you should soon feel about as … skull fracture No Symptoms of skull fracture Is the wound bleeding? If you think the wound may need stitches, it's …
Health topics
… Shoulder Problems and Injuries On this page: Overview Check … on an outstretched arm, a direct blow to the shoulder, or abnormal twisting or bending of the shoulder. Pain may be … No Major trauma in past 2 to 3 hours Do you have severe bleeding that has not slowed down with direct pressure? Yes …
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… The child's brain slams against the skull. This can cause bleeding and swelling in the brain. Young children are at … injury when they are shaken or thrown. That's because they have: Heavy, large heads for their body size. Weak neck … yourself in another room, or call someone for help. What should you do if you suspect abusive head trauma? It is …
Health topics
… Overview Rectal problems are common. Almost everyone will have some rectal itching, pain, or bleeding at some time. These problems are often minor. They … your body. They can cause skin damage. Hydrocortisone cream should not be used for longer than 7 to 10 days without …
Health topics
… Overview Nosebleeds that recur often are commonly caused by bleeding from the front of the nose (anterior epistaxis). … are very close to the surface of the lining of the nose. An abnormal growth (polyp or tumour) in the nose or sinuses. … Health conditions that affect normal blood clotting. Abnormal blood vessels in the nose, such as with …