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3534 results found
Health topics
… what decision is right for you? For some, the choice to have an abortion is clear. For others, it's more … know that you are pregnant. These medicines usually cause bleeding and strong cramps for 3 to 5 hours. You may need to take pain medicine. After 3 to 5 hours, the cramps and bleeding usually lessen. Then for about 1 to 2 weeks, you …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When should I consider having surgery? You may want to consider … to do each day. Examples include reading and driving. Where should I go for surgery? The most important factor to … easily get follow-up eye examinations and be seen if you have problems. Which procedure will be done and why? …
Health topics
… known as hemorrhagic viruses, because they can cause severe bleeding. These viruses started in Africa, and that is where most cases of the disease have happened. Infections have occurred in other parts of … who may be sick with Ebola or Marburg virus infection. When should you call a doctor? If you have symptoms of the …
Health topics
… of your BP during exercise that you do by yourself. You should expect a gradual increase in your systolic BP (the … activity. Other people with heart problems rarely or never have angina. Either way, it is important that you recognize … 3. Report to your doctor if and when you experience any abnormal shortness of breath. Recording measurements An …
Health topics
… too much, or use medicines like laxatives. People who have bulimia judge themselves harshly on their body weight … body shape. Have a poor body image, or feel that your body should be slim like many people in the media. You are the … that look like tar. These signs may mean that there is bleeding in the digestive tract . Call your doctor to …
Health topics
… awareness, agitation, psychosis, seizures, and coma. Abnormal bleeding, such as bleeding spontaneously or profusely from a … awareness, agitation, psychosis, seizures, and coma. Abnormal bleeding, such as bleeding spontaneously or …
Health topics
… or stuck: Don't pull or tug. This can cause an injury. Have someone pour warm water on the metal and on the part of … freed, call your doctor if you're injured. Controlling bleeding The area may bleed after being freed from the metal … wear gloves or other protection before you try to stop the bleeding. Return any skin flap to its normal position. If …
Health topics
… placed on a lure or line to catch fish. Some fish hooks have a barb near the tip that keeps the fish on the hook. … near an eye. A barb can't be removed using home treatment. Bleeding is severe or can't be stopped. The wound is big … the tool asks the right questions for you. Is the wound bleeding? Yes Bleeding wound No Bleeding wound Would you …
Health topics
… Complete section 2 at the end of your appointment if you have a health problem that needs treatment. Section 1 Health … a test or starting treatment? What signs and symptoms should I watch for? When should I call to report signs and symptoms? Is there a …
Health topics
… Screen for recurrence of colorectal cancer in people who have had surgery for this disease. Evaluate abnormal results from other colon tests. Replace a regular … or large intestine (colon). Check the source of internal bleeding. Check the cause of chronic diarrhea. Monitor the …