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Health topics
… mouth. Violence or fear may be used to force the person to have sex. Examples include: An object placed into the vagina … chafing, or bite marks in the genital area. Discharge or bleeding from the vagina. Rectal or genital bleeding. Anal … bleeding in a child before the beginning of menstruation is abnormal, as are other vaginal or genital symptoms such as …
Health topics
… syndromes. These cancers cause the body to make abnormal blood cells. Some types of infection. Low levels of … B12 or folate . An enlarged spleen . What happens when you have it? When you have neutropenia, you can get infections … count is low. Your body can't fight off germs as well as it should. Even a mild infection can quickly become serious. So …
Health topics
… needed to remove kidney stones. You may need it if: You have large stones caused by an infection ( staghorn calculi ). You were born with an abnormality in your urinary system that affects urine flow … of open surgery to remove a kidney stone include: Severe bleeding. Infection. Risks linked with anesthesia . An …
Health topics
… (C-section). Most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Your doctor may try to turn your … her from receiving certain tocolytic medicines to prevent uterine contractions. A caesarean delivery is needed. This … deliver the baby. Version has a very small risk of causing bleeding that could lead to mixing of the blood of the …
Health topics
… they diagnosed? If you see your doctor for pelvic pain or bleeding, you'll be checked for problems that may be causing … The Implant Birth Control Hormones: The Mini-Pill Intrauterine Device (IUD) for Birth Control Symptoms Functional … cyst. Check your symptoms Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Female Genital Problems and …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics What is anal cancer? Anal cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the anus , which is the opening … What are the symptoms? The symptoms of anal cancer include bleeding from the anus, itching or discharge from the anus, … … Conditions Basics What is anal cancer? Anal cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the anus , which is the opening …
Health topics
… store and release eggs-stop working before age 40. You may have no or few eggs. Depending on the cause, primary ovarian … may develop as early as the teen years, or the problem may have been present from birth. What causes it? Although the … ovaries. Primary ovarian insufficiency may develop after a hysterectomy or other pelvic surgery or from radiation or …
Health topics
… emergencies you may find helpful to review are: Burns . Bleeding . See the topic Cuts . Cardiopulmonary … in an emergency, give what help you can. Most provinces have a Good Samaritan law to protect people who help in an … Note: If there is another person with you, one person should call 9-1-1 while the other starts CPR. Step 2: Start …
Health topics
… of the body. Usually more than one is present. They may: Have a rough texture. Itch, burn, or sting. Range in size … After shaving, electrodesiccation may be done to control bleeding and destroy any abnormal cells that remain. Curettage is a quick treatment, …
Health topics
… cause of death of both men and women in Canada. When you have it, your heart muscle doesn't get enough blood. This … that are important to many health problems. Aspirin: Should I Take Daily Aspirin to Prevent a Heart Attack or … isn't right for everyone, because it can cause serious bleeding. You and your doctor can decide if aspirin is a …