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… inside the car and other factors could cause long-lasting injury—or death—in a matter of minutes. Keeping the car … Radon Citations Canadian Paediatric Society Injury Prevention Committee (2020). Keep your young child … for Kids. https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/safety-and-injury-prevention/keep… . Accessed May, 2020 Current …
Health topics
… Other people find blackouts very disturbing and seek treatment because of them. You may pass out during a … be caused by the effects of the alcohol or drugs, a head injury from a fall when you were drunk or high, or a seizure … be caused by the effects of the alcohol or drugs, a head injury from a fall when you were drunk or high, or a seizure …
Health topics
… at times. If you have no pain or other symptoms, home treatment is usually all that is needed. More serious … in the eye. Infection can also occur after a minor eye injury or a small scratch on the cornea. If untreated, some … in the eye. Infection can also occur after a minor eye injury or a small scratch on the cornea. If untreated, some …
Health topics
… or when they decrease the blood supply to the penis (rare). Treatment is not usually needed if a spermatocele does not … or when they decrease the blood supply to the penis (rare). Treatment is not usually needed if a spermatocele does not …
Health topics
… "track," and do "laps." The Internet is full of advice for exercises you can do in your hotel room, for beginners as … "track," and do "laps." The Internet is full of advice for exercises you can do in your hotel room, for beginners as …
Health topics
… you need to shop with your child, protect your child from injury as much as you can. Never leave your child … you need to shop with your child, protect your child from injury as much as you can. Never leave your child …
Health topics
… can choose activities that are a fit for you, like doing exercises in the water or as part of a cardiac rehab … a week. Strengthen the major muscle groups with 8 to 10 exercises a day, at least 2 days a week. Do moderate to … can choose activities that are a fit for you, like doing exercises in the water or as part of a cardiac rehab …
Health topics
… can help track your condition and make sure that your treatment is going as planned. If you have complications or … catheterization or open-heart surgery), you may need treatment from a range of specialists. Understanding your … professionals to help treat your disease and manage your treatment plan. The following table outlines the types of …