357 results found
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… Surgery Overview Synovectomy surgery removes the inflamed joint tissue (synovium) that is causing unacceptable pain or … may be moved aside to access and remove the inflamed joint lining. The procedure may be done using arthroscopy . … a physiotherapist will teach you how and when to move the joint. What happens during recovery depends on the surgical …
Health topics
… ankylosing spondylitis? Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of joint inflammation (arthritis) that is long-lasting … middle back, neck, hips, chest wall, and heels. Over time, joints in the spine can fuse together and cause a fixed, … early ankylosing spondylitis, there is inflammation of the joints and of the ligaments where they attach near the …
Health topics
… Information Overview There are several surgeries to correct joint problems in the hand caused by rheumatoid arthritis , … damage when inflammation of the tissue that lines the joints (synovium) is affecting the tendons. The effect on long-term joint damage is unclear. Joint resurfacing, a procedure that …
Health topics
… involves an incision in the top or side of the big toe joint and the removal or realignment of soft tissue and … is done to relieve pain and restore normal alignment to the joint. Small wires, screws, or plates may be used to hold … of the soft tissues ( ligaments ) around the big toe joint. Making small cuts in the bones (osteotomy) and moving …
Health topics
… of driving safely. For example, do you have stiffness or joint pain that makes it hard to turn your head or the … the wheel quickly if you need to. Weak muscles and stiff joints can make it hard to look behind you when you back up. … that could get in the way of driving safely, such as: Joint pain. Pain and stiffness can make it hard to turn your …
Health topics
… an inflammation of small sacs of fluid (bursae) that help joints move smoothly. Olecranon bursitis, which affects the … suggest physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles around your joints. Rest the affected area. Avoid any activity or direct … packs as soon as you notice pain in your muscles or near a joint. Apply ice 10 to 15 minutes at a time, as often as …
Health topics
… A bunion is an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. The big toe may turn toward the second toe. The tissues around the joint may be swollen and tender. A bony bump at the base of … tailor's bunion. The little toe also bends inward, and the joint swells or enlarges. What causes a bunion? You may get …
Health topics
… dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a problem in a baby's hip joint. It may also be called developmental hip dysplasia. In … the hip socket. This problem may affect one or both hip joints. A baby may be born with it, or it may happen in the … the hip socket may be too shallow or the tissues around the joint may be too loose. In mild cases, the ligaments and …
Health topics
… hip replacement removes and replaces the ball of the hip joint. It does not replace the socket. This surgery is most … will tell you how to do this. Many artificial hip joints last for 10 to 20 years. It depends on your age, how much stress you put on the joint, and how well your new joint and bones mend. Your …
Health topics
… you started to have shoulder problems. Artificial shoulder joints usually last 10 to 20 years. You may need to decide whether to have surgery again if the joint wears out. You'll need several months of physiotherapy to get the best use of your new joint. FAQs What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a …