788 results found
Health topics
… can learn from your past. What helped? Plan to use those skills again this time. What got in the way of your success? … include events that can trigger slip-ups, like holidays, social events, and high-stress times. Reward yourself for … Use it to track your progress and share your successes on social networking sites. Some apps let your friends and …
Health topics
… your car yourself instead of going to a car wash. Choosing social activities that increase activity, such as joining a … or dancing, also increases the calories you burn. Strength training, which builds muscle, is also an important part of … your car yourself instead of going to a car wash. Choosing social activities that increase activity, such as joining a …
Health topics
… may help to talk to a spiritual adviser, a counsellor, or a social worker. You may be able to find a support group of … problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may not be noticed until the child is older. Below are … problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may not be noticed until the child is older. Below are …
Health topics
… website for resources on getting help in your area. Social service departments . Many social service agencies involved with child abuse … website for resources on getting help in your area. Social service departments . Many social service agencies …
Health topics
… will help you make the most of your cochlear implant. Training in listening, language, and speech-reading skills (paying attention to people's gestures, facial … Training in listening, language, and speech-reading skills (paying attention to people's gestures, facial …
Health topics
… and reasoning (cognitive development) Emotional and social development Language development Sensory and motor … one milestone to the next. But each child grows and gains skills at his or her own pace. Some children may be advanced … and reasoning (cognitive development) Emotional and social development Language development Sensory and motor …
Health topics
… 20/20 or 20/40 eyesight by 3 years of age. Newborn motor skills Motor skills develop as your baby's muscles and nerves work … 20/20 or 20/40 eyesight by 3 years of age. Newborn motor skills Motor skills develop as your baby's muscles and …
Health topics
… and pull out a stick of sugarless gum or a mint. Work or social situations Activities at work and social events may also trigger the urge to smoke. Here are … break with them. Parties. Quitting smoking may impact your social life. You don't have to skip parties altogether, but …
Health topics
… incontinence, your treatment may include exercises, bladder training, medicines, a pessary, or a combination of these. … of the bladder and urethra during urination, coughing, or straining. If the cause of incontinence is not identified by … your personal preferences. Treatments include: Behavioural training, such as bladder training and timed urination. For …
Health topics
… doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific area of medicine (their specialty … psychiatric nurse (RPN) Respiratory therapist (RT) Social worker Speech-language pathologist (speech therapist) … psychiatric nurse (RPN) Respiratory therapist (RT) Social worker Speech-language pathologist (speech therapist) …