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Health topics
… milestones varies from child to child. Some children are advanced. Others develop more slowly. Why do speech and … to Call a Doctor Call your doctor anytime you or another caregiver has concerns about your child's speech and … milestones varies from child to child. Some children are advanced. Others develop more slowly. Why do speech and …
Health topics
… is still surgery on my eye, and the thought of blindness scares me. So far I am able to manage fine, and my eyesight … is still surgery on my eye, and the thought of blindness scares me. So far I am able to manage fine, and my eyesight … is still surgery on my eye, and the thought of blindness scares me. So far I am able to manage fine, and my eyesight …
Health topics
… a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Condition … with other information can help your doctor decide on your care. Non-stress test. It records your baby's heart rate … be monitored closely during labour and after delivery. Self-Care These steps can help you manage gestational diabetes …
Health topics
… Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Self-Care Medicines Surgery Other Treatment … bulimia? It can be very scary to realize that someone you care about has an eating disorder. If you think a friend or … can help. Talk to him or her. Tell the person how much you care and why you are worried. Urge him or her to talk to …
Health topics
… cancer is not an emergency. There is plenty of time to carefully think about options. FAQs How do you know if you … or removing my ovaries and going into menopause. I'm planning to have a family, so I'm choosing intensive … Very important The thought of any kind of surgery scares me more than the thought of getting cancer. Not …
Health topics
Health topics
… is also under a lot of stress. Your partner probably feels scared about your health and your future. They may need some … is also under a lot of stress. Your partner probably feels scared about your health and your future. They may need some …
Health topics