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Health topics
… may become frustrated when trying to latch on to the breast after after using a bottle and may even refuse the breast. Talk to …
Health topics
… doctor if any blister becomes red, oozes, or is not healing after 4 days. Break in your skin Check the underside of your … any break in the skin becomes red, oozes, or is not healing after 4 days. Calluses (hardened areas of skin) and corns … new numbness or tingling in your feet that does not go away after changing position. Sore (ulcer) Call your doctor …
Health topics
… their past, they often remember more and more experiences. After the person starts talking, there may be little left to … has just told you. You might say something like, "So, after high school you and Amy got married, but you didn't … for now and talk about this later. You may need some time." After you say this, sit with the person for a short time to …
Health topics
… tell. "I just couldn't take it seriously," Andy says. "Even after I found out I had it, diabetes just didn't seem that … before lunch. He also checks his blood sugar a few hours after lunch and before he goes to bed. Testing regularly was … About 6 months ago, Andy found that if he took a short walk after lunch and dinner, his numbers got better. He looks …
Health topics
… With Arthritis On this page: Steve's Story Steve's Story After being away from sports since his college days, Steve … and he's happy that he did. "I was pretty much pain-free after about a month and a half. It's a strange feeling to be … a while. Even though Steve had to give up playing squash after his surgery, he's now back to enjoying other …
Health topics
… have a natural urge to suck. This urge usually decreases after the age of 6 months. But many babies continue to suck … quiet, sleepy, or bored. In rare cases, thumb-sucking after age 5 is in response to an emotional problem or other … each day that your child doesn't suck his or her thumb. After an agreed-upon number of days, have a celebration for …
Health topics
… it a few days before the rash starts until 5 to 7 days after the rash first appears. But you can spread the virus … a rash. Symptoms may not start until about 14 to 21 days after you've been near someone who has the infection. Some … rubella, don't go to work, school, or daycare for 7 days after the rash first appears. If you're exposed to the …
Health topics
… symptoms within the first few days to the first few weeks after birth. The symptoms of a blocked tear duct may get worse after an upper respiratory infection, such as a cold or … wind, cold, and sunlight. Always wash your hands before and after you touch the eye area. If signs of infection develop, …
Health topics
… up in the canal or in the abdomen. For at least 2 weeks after surgery, your child should avoid games, sports, rough … do a follow-up examination usually within 2 to 3 months after surgery. Why It Is Done The surgery (orchiopexy) is … The testicle(s) moving out of the scrotum again (reascend) after surgery and needing more treatment. This is rare. …
Health topics
… (Your doctor will tell you which shots you will need.) After that, 1 booster shot every 10 years will protect you. … need a tetanus shot? To decide if you need a tetanus shot after a wound, first decide if the object that caused the … minutes, 3 or 4 times a day for the first 24 to 48 hours. After 48 hours, heat may feel better. …