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Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Symptoms usually start 2 to 3 weeks after a person has been exposed to the virus. Early symptoms … What are the symptoms? Symptoms usually start 2 to 3 weeks after a person has been exposed to the virus. Early symptoms …
Health topics
… When symptoms do occur, they usually appear 1 to 3 weeks after sexual contact with an infected person. Symptoms may … Pain in the lower belly. Bleeding between periods or after intercourse. Fever and general tiredness. Pain and … the medicine works, you need to take all of it as directed. After you start taking the medicine, you'll need to avoid …
Health topics
… may or may not notice a change in the shape of your abdomen after dropping. You may notice that your breathing becomes easier and heartburn occurs less frequently after dropping occurs. But the increased pressure on your bladder after dropping occurs may make you have the urge to urinate …
Health topics
… is important to be evaluated by a health professional soon after your symptoms start. Symptoms of an STI include: A … around the genitals or anus. Vaginal spotting or bleeding after sexual intercourse. General symptoms of an infection, … be harder for your health professional to diagnose your STI after the symptoms have changed. A delay in being evaluated …
Health topics
… What To Expect You may stay overnight in the hospital after having a pacemaker implanted and go home the next day. … able to go back to work or your usual routine 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. But for at least a few weeks after the surgery, you should avoid vigorous physical …
Health topics
… processing, or when it is prepared. You may have become ill after eating meat or eggs that weren't cooked enough or by … lasts more than 1 or 2 days. You are not feeling better after 1 week of home treatment. How can you prevent … of washing your hands often. This is especially important after you use the bathroom, after you change a baby's …
Health topics
… long-term (chronic) sinusitis. They may get one infection after another because something blocks the flow of mucus … to have a CT scan of your sinuses. This test will be done after you have followed what's called "maximum medical … You may need more than one surgery to fix your sinuses. After surgery, you still may need to take medicines, such as …
Health topics
… not need to stay home from school if they are feeling well. After you have had chickenpox, you aren't likely to get it again. But the virus stays in your body long after you get over the illness. If the virus becomes active … symptoms of chickenpox usually develop about 14 to 16 days after contact with a person infected with the virus. Most …
Health topics
… Try to observe and record what happens before, during, and after the breath-holding spell. Keep the following questions … your child vomit or pass urine? How does your child act after a spell? Breath-Holding Spells … Try to observe and record what happens before, during, and after the breath-holding spell. Keep the following questions …
Health topics
… up may seem forceful. But it usually occurs shortly after feeding, is effortless, and causes no discomfort. … up for no reason at all. Overfeeding, not burping your baby after feeding, intolerance to milk or formula, and exposure … or green liquid (bile) in vomit Has your baby vomited after 2 feedings in a row? . Yes Vomited after 2 feedings in …