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… pregnant, and depression. PCOS may be more noticeable after a weight gain. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose PCOS, … changes that lead to PCOS often start in the early teens, after the first menstrual period. Symptoms may be more … symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst and frequent urination (especially at night), unexplained increase in …
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… you have 8 or more in 1 hour or 4 or more in 20 minutes after you change your position and drink fluids. You have a … you have 8 or more in 1 hour or 4 or more in 20 minutes after you change your position and drink fluids. You have a …
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… the only treatment you need. Sometimes there is treatment after surgery, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy . … cancer may spread (metastasize) to other areas of the body. After you are diagnosed with testicular cancer, you and your … Nearly everyone who has testicular cancer has surgery. After surgery, you may have other treatments, if they are …
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