2256 results found
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… causes changes in posture, trouble swallowing and speaking, urination problems, and erectile dysfunction . MSA may cause … causes changes in posture, trouble swallowing and speaking, urination problems, and erectile dysfunction . MSA may cause …
Health topics
… causes of rectal itching include: Poor cleaning of the area after a bowel movement. Itching and discomfort may happen … toilet paper. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures usually occur after straining during a bowel movement because of … areas can cause problems like rectal pain and bleeding, urination problems, constipation, and vaginal bleeding. Yes …
Health topics
… are in contact with the irritating substance ( allergen ). After you've had a reaction to the substance, a rash can … kidney disease, or some types of cancer. Rashes may appear after exposure to an insect or a parasite, such as the … that weep or ooze fluid like a severe burn. TEN may occur after the use of some medicines. If this type of rash …
Health topics
… areas can cause problems like rectal pain and bleeding, urination problems, constipation, and vaginal bleeding. Yes … pain Does the rectal pain last for more than 30 minutes after you have a bowel movement? Yes Rectal pain continues for more than 30 minutes after bowel movement No Rectal pain continues for more than …
Health topics
… people who have had certain types of cancer, had hepatitis after age 11, or are at high risk for HIV infection. Blood testing. After donation, every unit of blood is tested for certain … of the excess fluid. A person can develop iron overload after having many repeated blood transfusions. This …
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Health topics
… have surgery or radiation to remove or destroy the cancer. After surgery or radiation, you will have regular checkups … to have surgery, and that I may never even need surgery. After a lot of thought, I decided to wait. I decided that … me about the problems he's had since his prostate surgery. After talking about it with my family, I decided to wait. I …
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