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Health topics
… usually appear within a few minutes to a few hours after a bite and may include: Severe, immediate pain with … may be caused by the bite itself or from fear or worry after being bitten. You may: Faint or feel like you might … breathing, moderate to severe bleeding, and signs of shock after this type of bite. If venom is injected, about 35% are …
Health topics
… you eat throughout the day to help prevent high blood sugar after eating. You should test your blood sugar after meals to see what effect different carbohydrate foods … of carbohydrate . If you are having high blood sugar levels after eating—for example, after breakfast—you may want to …
Health topics
… 6 of 6, Phalangeal head resection for hammer toe: Slide 6, After the toe has healed, the surgeon removes the pin, and … You may be able to walk on the affected foot right after surgery, but you might need a special shoe. How soon … surgeon's experience, and how severe your deformity is. After surgery, most people have toes that lie flat but don't …
Health topics
… minutes can seem like a long time. Resist the urge to peek after a few minutes to see whether bleeding has stopped. If … usually stops on its own or slows to an ooze or trickle after 15 minutes of pressure. It may ooze or trickle for up … that need stitches should be treated within 6 to 8 hours after the injury to reduce the risk of infection. Very dirty …
Health topics
… done using arthroscopy . What To Expect As soon as possible after surgery, a physiotherapist will teach you how and when … surgical technique used and the location of the incisions. After knee synovectomy, your knee will be immobilized in a removable cast. You will start physiotherapy after 1 or 2 days. Why It Is Done Synovectomy may be used to …
Health topics
… coffee, colas, or energy drinks. If your symptoms are worse after you eat a certain food, you may want to stop eating it … meals instead of two or three large meals. Don't lie down after you eat. After you eat, wait 2 to 3 hours before you lie down. …
Health topics
… which is removed through a small cannula. What To Expect After the procedure, the area of the body that was treated … up and move around as soon as the treatment is finished and after the effects of the anesthesia and any sedation have … fat deposits in small areas. But if you regain weight after having liposuction, the fatty bulges that were removed …
Health topics
… may be cut into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove. After the tooth is removed, you may need stitches. Some … dissolve over time. Some stitches have to be removed after a few days. Your dentist will tell you if your … stitches need to be removed. What To Expect Activity Relax after surgery. Physical activity may increase bleeding. Do …
Health topics
… procedure won't leave a scar on the outside of your body. After the procedure, another doctor will look at the tissue … it for abnormal cells. Most people go home 1 to 4 hours after the procedure. You can probably return to your normal … sex or place anything in your vagina for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery, or until your doctor tells you it is okay. If …
Health topics
… successful. About 7 or 8 out of 10 people have no problems after surgery. And most people say their quality of life is better after surgery. footnote 1 It is normal to have five to six bowel movements a day after this surgery. Risks About 25 to 30 out of 100 people …