2256 results found
Health topics
… doctor about how many GERD surgeries he or she has done. After surgery, you still may need to take medicines to … Some people still need to take medicine for GERD symptoms after surgery. Some people have increased flatulence and bloating after surgery. It is also possible for the stomach wrap to …
Health topics
… "Hot tub folliculitis" most often appears about 72 hours after you've been in a hot tub or spa. Many small pimples … or shower daily with a mild soap. Also, bathe or shower after you exercise and after you work around chemicals. Avoid sharing towels, face …
Health topics
… now considered normal. Breast lumpiness usually goes away after menopause but may be found in women who are taking hormone therapy after menopause. Following are other types of breast lumps … the lump may be red or look bruised. Fat necrosis may occur after a bruise or other injury to the chest or breast and …
Health topics
… is whiplash? Whiplash is pain and stiffness in the neck after an injury that has caused the neck to move suddenly or … in your back. You may not have any symptoms until the day after your injury. Or your symptoms may go away but then … your neck. Pain down one or both arms. Pain that comes back after being gone for a few days. Numbness or tingling in …
Health topics
… months or years. You may feel sad or scared months or years after the assault. After MST you may: Avoid places or things that remind you of … have panic attacks . Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a sexual assault is common. How can you get support …
Health topics
… What is gastroparesis? After a meal, the stomach normally empties in 1½ to 2 hours. … common symptoms of gastroparesis are: A feeling of fullness after only a few bites of food. Nausea. Vomiting. Belly … to replace some solid meals with liquids (such as soup). After you eat, wait 2 to 3 hours before you lie down. Eat …
Health topics
… in your eye and your vision may be blurry for a few days after the surgery. Your eye may be swollen, red, or tender … retina in most cases. footnote 1 Chances for good vision after surgery are higher if the macula was still attached … surgery. If the detachment affected the macula, good vision after surgery is still possible but less likely. Risks …
Health topics
… tone. What To Expect The time needed to heal and recover after laser resurfacing depends on how big and deep the … as aspirin or ibuprofen) may help reduce swelling and pain. After the skin grows back, the skin will stay red for … cream or ointment on the treated area. Avoid sun exposure. After the peeling has stopped, protect your skin from the …
Health topics
… is important to remove the stinger as quickly as possible after a sting. Even a delay of a second or two in removing … the amount of venom you receive. In less than 20 seconds after a sting, 90% of the venom is injected into your body. … is important to remove the stinger as quickly as possible after a sting. Even a delay of a second or two in removing …
Health topics
… and pain. An unexplained fever. Drive and travel safely. After you get an ICD or after you get a shock from the ICD, your doctor will suggest … and be active, then it's probably safe for you to have sex. After you get the device placed, you'll let your chest heal …