2256 results found
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… to find out what happened just before, during, and right after a seizure. Your doctor will examine you. You'll have … part of the brain. Some types of childhood epilepsy go away after the child reaches the teen years. Other types may continue for life. Epilepsy that started after a head injury may go away after several years or may …
Health topics
… surgery. Most people who have cataract surgery see better after it. Serious problems from surgery aren't common. … be replaced. You may still need to wear glasses or contacts after surgery to see well. FAQs What is cataract surgery? … detachment). Complications that may occur some time after surgery include: Problems with glare. Clouding of the …
Health topics
… even if it isn't broken. When the swelling goes down after a few days, it's easier to tell if your nose is really … crooked. Most doctors prefer to check an injured nose soon after the swelling has gone down. Sometimes testing may be … from the brain into the nose (CSF rhinorrhea). It can occur after a head injury or after surgery on the nose or ears. …
Health topics
… likely to spread the virus within the first several days after symptoms of RSV infection begin. You remain contagious … Breastfeed your baby for at least the first 6 months after birth, if possible. Breast milk seems to offer some … likely to spread the virus within the first several days after symptoms of RSV infection begin. You remain contagious …
Health topics
… will go away on its own. Maybe your elbow has become sore after activity. Elbow injuries can be minor or serious. They … be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may occur soon after the injury. Acute injuries include: Bruises from a … surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious. Your health habits and …
Health topics
… done in the hospital. The mother may have to stay overnight after the procedure. What To Expect A short recovery period … to be delivered safely. How Well It Works Fetal survival after transfusion depends upon the severity of the fetus's … the skill of the doctor who does the procedure. Overall, after intrauterine transfusion through the umbilical cord: …
Health topics
… depending upon the type of procedure. What To Expect After surgery, you may start physiotherapy within 48 hours. … in the joint. A jaw joint that has loosened over time or after an injury. This procedure may also be used to diagnose … problems in the joint's delicate balance. Scar tissue forms after surgery that involves muscles, tendons, and ligaments. …
Health topics
… For the first 72 hours, ice for 10 minutes, once an hour. After that, use ice for 15 to 20 minutes, 3 times a day: in the morning, in the late afternoon after work or school, and about one-half hour before …
Health topics
… common in children 6 months to 2 years of age. It is rare after age 4. What causes it? Roseola is caused by two common … that your child has a fever. The fever ends suddenly. After the fever ends, a rosy-pink rash may appear mostly on … rapid increase in temperature in a short period of time. After a fever has reached a high temperature, the risk of a …
Health topics
… take about 3 months until your strength is back to normal. After surgery, you may need more treatment, such as … enzymes that your body needs to digest food properly. After part or all of your pancreas is removed, you may need … of this surgery include: Trouble with the stomach emptying after eating. Leaking at the connections the surgeon makes. …