609 results found
Health topics
… receive only treatment that focuses on your comfort and quality of life. Don't stop treatment that prolongs your … if you can't breathe on your own. This machine pumps air into your lungs through a tube inserted into your … if you can't breathe on your own. This machine pumps air into your lungs through a tube inserted into your …
Health topics
… function at home with a peak flow meter . This records the airflow as you blow out as hard and fast as possible. The … your symptoms (asthma attack), so you can start treatment. Quality of life/functional status An assessment of quality … after exposure to substances that cause inflammation in the airways (triggers), such as animal dander , viral …
Health topics
… to think more clearly, be more active, and have a better quality of life. Why It Is Done Oxygen may be given in a … will have quite low blood oxygen levels during sleep. For air travel. The level of oxygen in airplanes is about the same as the oxygen level at an …
Health topics
… used to remove excess tissue in the throat to widen the airway. This sometimes can allow air to move through the throat more easily when you breathe, … Drainage of secretions into the nose and a nasal quality to the voice. Speech may be affected by this …
Health topics
… depends on the type of coal dust, how much dust was in the air, and how long you have been exposed to it. What causes … and have treatments to help your symptoms and improve your quality of life. How can you prevent it? Black lung disease … depends on the type of coal dust, how much dust was in the air, and how long you have been exposed to it. What causes …
Health topics
… and close a door. Or it may be hard to go up and down stairs or get in and out of a chair. These tools include: Canes and crutches. Braces and … without twisting the doorknob. An elevated toilet seat. Moulded or padded handles on objects like keys or kitchen …
Health topics
… Association (AUA) has developed the following questionnaire to help men determine how bothersome their urinary … how effective their treatment is. footnote 1 This questionnaire has also been adopted worldwide and is known as the … Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). It is sometimes seen with a Quality of Life Scale at the end of the questionnaire. …
Health topics
… These complications may need hospital care. What about quality of life? Most people with a VAD feel better and have a better quality of life. They can be active, drive, work, be social, … These complications may need hospital care. What about quality of life? Most people with a VAD feel better and have …
Health topics
… the use of products such as nail polish, artificial nails, hair dyes, and hair permanents during pregnancy. But they all contain strong … the room is well-ventilated. Radiation exposure: X-rays, air travel, and electrical appliances A single X-ray, such …
Health topics
… help and support. Things to think about: Your future and quality of life. What can you expect as your health problems … care, that focuses on pain relief, comfort, and the quality of your life. An advance care plan. Do you want to … help and support. Things to think about: Your future and quality of life. What can you expect as your health problems …