609 results found
Health topics
… Do this at least 3 times a day. Breathe warm, moist air from a steamy shower, a hot bath, or a sink filled with … to 10 minutes at least 3 times a day. Breathing warm, moist air from a steamy shower or hot bath. Trying saltwater nasal … Do this at least 3 times a day. Breathe warm, moist air from a steamy shower, a hot bath, or a sink filled with …
Health topics
… A sore throat. A build-up of earwax . An object in the ear. Air pressure changes, such as when flying in an airplane. Fluid buildup without infection (serous otitis). … can cause problems with the eustachian tube and trap air in or keep air out of the middle ear. Middle ear …
Health topics
… more serious when a person: Has signs of choking (complete airway obstruction). When the windpipe is blocked, air can't move in and out of the lungs. The person can't … blocked windpipe. When the windpipe is partly blocked, some air can still move in and out of the lungs. The person may …
Health topics
… teeth sensitive to heat, cold, sweet or sour things, or air? Yes Teeth sensitive to heat, cold, sweet or sour things, or air No Teeth sensitive to heat, cold, sweet or sour things, or air Is the sensitivity problem moderate to severe? Yes …
Health topics
… These women had fewer leakage problems a day and said their quality of life was better. footnote 4 Women who do these … These women had fewer leakage problems a day and said their quality of life was better. footnote 4 Women who do these …
Health topics
… second part of the surgery to reattach the intestine and repair the colostomy. This is often because the intestine does … surgery. In children, surgery may improve well-being and quality of life and restore normal growth and sexual … second part of the surgery to reattach the intestine and repair the colostomy. This is often because the intestine does …
Health topics
… active they are. Genetics, health conditions, stress, sleep quality and other factors can also influence weight. Eating …
Health topics
… tattoos. You cannot get HIV through everyday contact with air, food, water, insects, animals, dishes, or toilet seats. … tattoos. You cannot get HIV through everyday contact with air, food, water, insects, animals, dishes, or toilet seats. …
Health topics
… or shares food or drinks. The virus can travel through the air. This means that you can get measles if you are near … than 12 months, pregnant people, and people who have impaired immune systems that can't fight infection may need to … or shares food or drinks. The virus can travel through the air. This means that you can get measles if you are near …
Health topics
… might be because she uses her arms and kind of claws at the air. Parent: I used to like long jump too. And, like you, I …