609 results found
Health topics
… choices you make and follow your example. Make meal times fairly predictable. Eat at around the same times every day … String cheese. Whole wheat crackers and peanut butter. Air-popped or low-fat microwave popcorn. Frozen juice bars … as vegetables. Eating too many foods of poor nutritional quality, such as soft drinks, chips, and doughnuts. …
Health topics
… include: Throat irritation from low humidity, smoking, air pollution, yelling, or nasal drainage down the back of … very hard to breathe. You feel like you can't get enough air. You do not feel alert or cannot think clearly. Moderate … inflamed or infected, it can swell and quickly block the airway. This makes it very hard to breathe. The symptoms …
Health topics
… a natural need to feel textures by offering playtime with moulding material, such as clay or Play-Doh, or finger … a stool or urinating. You can say, "This is your special chair for you to go pee-pee and poop in. Soon you will use it … okay. It's probably not the right time. Put the potty chair away until your child shows that he or she wants to try …
Health topics
… disease, malnutrition, prematurity, and diseases that impair the immune system , such as eosinophilic esophagitis … of asthma, atopic dermatitis, or allergies to pollen, mould, or other substances. In most cases, allergies cannot … first. Bronchodilators may also be used. They relax the airways of the lungs, making it easier to breathe. You can …
Health topics
… stigma—when others judge you because you have a personal quality, trait, or condition. Because of stigma, others may … stigma—when others judge you because you have a personal quality, trait, or condition. Because of stigma, others may …
Health topics
… and dressing. Examples include a cane, a walker, a wheelchair, ramps, handrails, and foot or ankle braces. Medicines. … provides an extra layer of support that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind … weak. Foot and ankle braces, a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair can help you move around. A ramp over stairs can allow …
Health topics
… Health Protecting Your Child's Skin From Sun Child Safety: Air Pollution Basic Dental Care Handwashing Teenage Sleep … Health Protecting Your Child's Skin From Sun Child Safety: Air Pollution Basic Dental Care Handwashing Teenage Sleep …
Health topics
… hear any wheezing. Wheezing will stop when the amount of air moving through the bronchial tubes becomes dangerously … Daily controller medicine helps reduce the swelling of your airways and prevent attacks. Treating attacks when they … hear any wheezing. Wheezing will stop when the amount of air moving through the bronchial tubes becomes dangerously …
Health topics
… were to release a small amount of the virus into the air, it is possible that it could spread among a large … were to release a small amount of the virus into the air, it is possible that it could spread among a large …
Health topics
… CPR when your breathing or heart stops, someone will push air into your mouth and push down very hard on your chest … breathing stops, someone breathes into your mouth or pushes air into your lungs. When your heart has restarted but you … disease is progressive and fatal. I am confined to a wheelchair and am also having difficulty swallowing. At some point, …