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609 results found
Health topics
… of getting NHL increases as you get older. Having an impaired immune system . NHL is most common among those who have an impaired immune system, an autoimmune disease, or HIV or AIDS. … provides an extra layer of support that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind …
Health topics
… X-ray is a picture of the chest that shows your lungs and airway. It helps find the cause of symptoms such as … provides an extra layer of support that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind … Managing Stress Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Hair Loss From Cancer Treatment Complementary Treatments Some …
Health topics
… provides an extra layer of support that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind … Managing Stress Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Hair Loss From Cancer Treatment Quitting Smoking Surgery … Managing Stress Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Hair Loss From Cancer Treatment Quitting Smoking Surgery …
Health topics
… stockings , prop up your leg (or legs) on a pillow or a chair when you can, get some exercise, and lose weight if … stockings . Prop up your legs on a pillow or a chair when you can. Exercise to improve blood flow in your … to: Relieve symptoms. Improve the look of the skin. Improve quality of life. What are the risks of procedures for …
Health topics
… a needle guided by ultrasound or laparoscope . The best-quality eggs are fertilized with sperm, and the best embryos … drop a lot the older you get. You want to get pregnant fairly soon, whatever your age. You may be able to get … few years ago. My doctor says that we can try surgery to repair the tubes, but that my best bet is trying in vitro …
Health topics
… change over time. They can gradually get bigger, develop a hair, become more raised, get lighter in colour, fade away, … scratch, or pick at the area. Leave the area exposed to the air whenever you can. Adjust your clothing to avoid rubbing … change over time. They can gradually get bigger, develop a hair, become more raised, get lighter in colour, fade away, …
Health topics
… atrial fibrillation . It can relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. During a catheter ablation, the doctor … atrial fibrillation . It can relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. During a catheter ablation, the doctor …
Health topics
… There are things that you can do to adjust and to keep your quality of life as much as possible. Try using aids like … There are things that you can do to adjust and to keep your quality of life as much as possible. Try using aids like …
Health topics
… Insomnia is a common sleep problem that can affect your quality of life. It can cause you to have trouble falling … caused by a blockage in the nose, mouth, or throat ( upper airways ). When airflow through the nose and mouth is blocked, breathing may …
Health topics
… provides an extra layer of support that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind … provides an extra layer of support that can improve your quality of life—not just in your body, but also in your mind …