3813 results found
Health topics
… to repair the rupture. Rehab can strengthen the tendon and help the tendon heal. A rehab program typically includes … Stretching and flexibility exercises. These are key to helping your tendon heal without shortening and causing long-term pain. Strengthening exercises. They will help you regain strength you might have lost while the …
Health topics
… and build good family relationships. It will also help make sure that they feel secure and have what they need … guidance is important. Being responsive to your child will help them gain trust in themselves and others. With … Preschoolers: Encouraging independence Preschoolers: Helping your child explore Preschoolers: Building social …
Health topics
… transplanted. You will probably need several surgeries to get the hair coverage you want. Healing between surgeries … transplanted. You will probably need several surgeries to get the coverage you want. Risks Risks of hair transplant … transplanted. You will probably need several surgeries to get the hair coverage you want. Healing between surgeries …
Health topics
… Overview Some people have high blood pressure before they get pregnant (chronic hypertension). Some have very high … it's important to go to all of your prenatal checkups and get your blood pressure checked. If you have chronic high … … Overview Some people have high blood pressure before they get pregnant (chronic hypertension). Some have very high …
Health topics
… Overview Vocational (job) training helps people choose and learn work that suits their skills … and the department of education in each province. A job helps you or your teen in many ways: You earn money, which helps you stay or become independent. You gain self-esteem …
Health topics
… for your or your baby's safety. Before delivery, you will get medicines to: Prevent seizures, known as eclampsia. … lungs if the pregnancy is less than 34 weeks. (You may get corticosteroid shots for this.) What happens as you … it can take longer. This is especially true for those who've had complications of HELLP. Your doctor will monitor …
Health topics
… the wart may fall off. Multiple treatments may be needed to get rid of the wart. Why It Is Done Cryotherapy is usually … treatment is desired. How Well It Works Cryotherapy usually gets rid of warts. Two or more treatments may be needed. … the wart may fall off. Multiple treatments may be needed to get rid of the wart. Why It Is Done Cryotherapy is usually …
Health topics
… come loose or wear out over time. So you may need to get a crown cemented again or replaced. Risks If tooth decay … other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting an infection in your heart called endocarditis. … come loose or wear out over time. So you may need to get a crown cemented again or replaced. Risks If tooth decay …
Health topics
… breech. Your doctor may also learn that your baby is breech when he or she checks your cervix . How is breech position … doctor if you can try certain positions at home that may help turn your baby. This is called postural management. … breech. Your doctor may also learn that your baby is breech when he or she checks your cervix . How is breech position …
Health topics
… and fails to notice new things around him or her. Squints when the light is not bright or scrunches up his or her face when trying to do a task. Rubs his or her eyes when the … eyes that look mismatched or crossed or that don't move together. Has pupils that are not the same size or that appear …