3814 results found
Health topics
… patch is a highly effective method of birth control when it is used exactly as directed. The patch failure rate … the fourth week. So you'll have your period that week. When you remove a patch, dispose of it carefully. Because of … patch is a highly effective method of birth control when it is used exactly as directed. The patch failure rate …
Health topics
… Try to walk each day. Follow your doctor's instructions for when you can start doing more strenuous activities, such as … that requires a larger incision. footnote 1 This can happen when there are problems such as unexpected inflammation, … Should I Have Gallbladder Surgery? Gallstone Symptoms: When Surgery Is Needed How Well It Works Surgery reduces the …
Health topics
… Information Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation … from eating even though you are hungry. This might happen when you are sick or feeling stressed. … our content . … Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation …
Health topics
… kicks. Your baby may move more at certain times of the day. When you are active, you may notice less movement than when you are resting. At your prenatal visits, your doctor … kicks. Your baby may move more at certain times of the day. When you are active, you may notice less movement than when …
Health topics
… by a variety of health problems. Some people start coughing when they breathe very dry, heated air. This can be caused … or allergies. This type of cough may be more noticeable when you first turn on your furnace in the fall, because … saliva. Less common causes of a dry cough include: Whooping cough (pertussis). Influenza . A swallowed or …
Health topics
… also start to see connections between events. For example, when they open a music box, they know they will hear a song. Or when they throw a ball, they know it will bounce. They'll … also start to see connections between events. For example, when they open a music box, they know they will hear a song. …
Health topics
… cream on weeping, scraped, or infected skin. Avoid getting the cream in the eyes. Use very sparingly on facial … cream on weeping, scraped, or infected skin. Avoid getting the cream in the eyes. Use very sparingly on facial …
Health topics
… these criteria, known as the Rome III criteria, to help doctors determine whether symptoms are caused by … along with a medical history and physical examination to help your doctor determine whether you have IBS. Related … these criteria, known as the Rome III criteria, to help doctors determine whether symptoms are caused by …
Health topics
… Overview The methods described here help you relax, relieve stress , and feel better. Imagery … Stress Management: Breathing Exercises Stress Management: Helping Your Child With Stress Current as of: … develop our content . … Overview The methods described here help you relax, relieve stress , and feel better. Imagery …
Health topics
… rubbing against footwear or against itself. It can also help cushion the feet. Here are two ways to use moleskin : … include: Toe separators , which keep toes from rubbing together. They are used to prevent soft corns. Toe crest pads … pressure and friction and help prevent toes from rubbing together. Toe caps and toe sleeves , which fit over your toe …