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Health topics
… Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia . It is caused by bacteria called Legionella pneumophila . The … that have not been properly cleaned and disinfected. Other sources include decorative fountains and water sources … (Tylenol, for example) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs include ibuprofen (such as Advil and …
Health topics
… Emotions and Menopause On this page: Overview Overview The … well, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding excess caffeine, alcohol, and simple sugars. This will improve your emotional … well, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding excess caffeine, alcohol, and simple sugars. This will improve your emotional …
Health topics
… can result from the strep infection spreading to other areas of the body. Infection can spread to the: Middle ear ( otitis media ). Sinuses ( sinusitis ). Other, more rare, complications include: … a strep infection of the skin (such as impetigo ), usually during the summer months, or the throat (such as strep …
Health topics
… nerve surgery for symptoms related to cerebral palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of … tightness in the legs. What To Expect After surgery, physiotherapy is needed. Also, orthopedic surgery and casts or … the range of movement in the legs. SDR is especially useful when cerebral palsy affects both legs but not the …
Health topics
… can range from mild to severe. Stuttering that starts during a child's early language-learning years (ages 2 … normal part of language development. Most children aren't bothered by it and may not even notice that they're doing it. … It probably won't get better without treatment. What causes it? Stuttering happens when the brain isn't able to …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview A hernia is a bulge caused by tissue pushing through the wall of muscle that's … is a bulge near the belly button, or navel. Intestines or other tissues may bulge through an opening or a weak spot in … may come from increased weight, repeated straining, or pregnancy. A very small hernia may not cause problems. But …
Health topics
… acute kidney injury (also known as acute renal failure) cause the kidneys to lose their ability to filter and remove … a site where the blood can flow in and out of your body during the dialysis sessions. This is called the dialysis … can watch for problems. You can do it at a centre where other people are doing dialysis. This can help provide …
Health topics
… are at greatly increased risk of liver cancer if you have alcohol-related cirrhosis in addition to hepatitis. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means … are at greatly increased risk of liver cancer if you have alcohol-related cirrhosis in addition to hepatitis. …
Health topics
… Is Done On this page: Overview Overview During coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, your surgeon will use a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to create an alternate route, or …
Health topics
… be with exercise. This type of self-monitoring is often used during the last stage of a rehab program. This is when you … of aerobic training Your heart is a muscle. And like other muscles in your body, your heart will respond to …