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Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Other tests for lung infections, such as pneumonia and acute … if you have antibodies to a specific organism that can cause pneumonia or if you have a specific virus, such as … your nose or mouth into the tubes leading to your lungs. During the procedure, the doctor can obtain samples of …
Health topics
… feed your baby with breast milk or formula. For example, use a soft, compressible nipple or a bottle you can squeeze … palate. Use a bottle you can squeeze. Squeeze it gently during feeding to help the flow of milk. Prop your baby in … when feeding. They may need to be burped more often than other babies. Bottle-Feeding …
Health topics
… Chinese Medicine On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview … needles placed along the body's meridians. Acupressure. During this therapy, direct pressure is applied to points … Center for Complementary and Integrative Health and other institutes, funds ongoing research of many …
Health topics
… tissue from the back of your throat. You will be asleep during surgery. The doctor may remove extra tissue from the … your throat better when you breathe. This surgery may be used to improve obstructive sleep apnea that has not been helped by other treatments. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when your …
Health topics
… a time. Fasting to detoxify the body. Some people fast because they believe it rids the body of toxins. But there is no … food (or not eating at all) on certain days of the week or during certain times of the day. Experts don't agree on … intermittent fasting to try to lose weight. You may hear other terms used to describe it, such as alternate-day …
Health topics
… is that the scar on the uterus may break open (rupture) during labour. Women who have a low transverse caesarean … of the uterus, such as a vertical (classical) scar. The use of medicine to start (induce) labour. Some doctors avoid … the use of any medicine to start a VBAC trial of labour. Other doctors are comfortable with the careful use of …
Health topics
… Cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal disease caused by the Cryptosporidium parvum parasite, also referred … have symptoms. But most people will have watery diarrhea. Other symptoms include: Fever. Nausea and vomiting. Belly … and not enough of the important electrolytes that are lost during diarrhea, and they should not be used to rehydrate. …
Health topics
… also called Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's disease. What causes it? Often Raynaud's has no known cause. (This is … called primary Raynaud's.) Raynaud's may be a symptom of another disease, such as lupus , scleroderma , rheumatoid … such as smoking and some medicines. What are the symptoms? During an attack of Raynaud's, the body limits blood flow to …
Health topics
… How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Laser iridotomy uses a very focused beam of light to create a hole on the … sudden buildup of pressure within the eye, which occurs during an episode of acute closed-angle glaucoma. Some … those people who have had closed-angle glaucoma in their other eye. How Well It Works Laser iridotomy may prevent …
Health topics
… keeps the knee from bending inward. You can hurt your MCL during activities that involve bending, twisting, or a quick … This type of injury can also occur during skiing and in other sports with lots of stop-and-go movements, jumping, or … your skin. If your doctor recommended crutches or a brace, use them as directed. Prop up your leg on a pillow when you …