3970 results found
Health topics
… of the voice box, or larynx (say "LAIR-inks"), that causes your voice to become raspy or hoarse. Laryngitis can be … symptoms last longer than 2 weeks. Laryngitis may be due to other causes. What causes it? Laryngitis can be caused by: … to your voice. Your doctor may also do an examination. During the examination, the doctor may feel your neck for …
Health topics
… stress from illness, injury, surgery, childbirth, or other reasons. Aldosterone helps the body hold on to the … an adrenal crisis may occur that can lead to death because of a steep drop in blood pressure. What causes it? … may already be in an adrenal crisis when they see a doctor. During an adrenal crisis, the body can't make enough …
Health topics
… when mistakes are made. Children learn how to work with others by learning how to cooperate within a family. Give your child some age-appropriate household responsibilities. How you can help your child … Don't discuss problems or concerns you have with your child during these times unless it is absolutely needed. Encourage …
Health topics
… what you need. Maybe it's a hug or help around the house. Be ready for disagreements. During times of stress, couples can be more likely to argue. … and take a few deep breaths before you react. Give each other space. You or your partner may need some time alone. …
Health topics
… Low Back Pain On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What … It is very common. Almost everyone has it at one time or another. Low back pain can be: Acute. This is new pain that … suggested most often are: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These seem to …
Health topics
… Overview Tooth decay and cavities are caused by bacteria eating away the outer protective layer … Start flossing your child's teeth when the teeth touch each other. Take good care of your own teeth and gums. Saliva … At night, you could fill the bottle with plain water. During the day, offer an empty cup for your child to play …
Health topics
… this page: Getting Started Getting Started Living with a house full of people can be stressful under the best of conditions. And it can be especially challenging during some life events, like a move or an illness. There … to watch together, or read a favourite book. Talk to each other about your feelings. Let others know if you're scared, …
Health topics
… most donors feel a special sense of well-being because they may have helped save a life. What to know Most … find organ matches between people who may not know each other. Medical tests will show if your organ is a good match … your mind about donating an organ. Talk with your IDA and others you trust to be sure you're making the right decision …
Health topics
… bah-RAY") is a problem with your nervous system . It causes muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, and numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, face, and other parts of your body. This rare condition can cause … weakness or balance problems. Support at home is important during this time. You may need some help with some of your …
Health topics
… carried a baby to term and breastfed before. This is because the milk glands in the breast are not fully developed until the end of pregnancy. Also, feeding your baby at the breast may help … baby needs additional nourishment. In these cases, you can use a supplemental nursing system, which is a device worn …