3970 results found
Health topics
… than normal. This can occur before, after, or along with other signs of hyperthyroidism . What are the symptoms? Most … worse. To help reduce dryness and discomfort, you can use saline eye drops (artificial tears) during the day. And at night use an eye ointment or gel. …
Health topics
… Most people go home that same day. These surgeries are: Used to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children. … days. Children who are younger than 3 years and who have other conditions, such as Down syndrome, are more likely to … have swollen tonsils and adenoids that block your airway during sleep. This surgery is often the first treatment …
Health topics
… reposition, replace, or remove parts in a joint. When used to treat temporomandibular disorder (TMD) , this … involves the articular disc that cushions the jaw joint. During open-joint arthroplasty of the jaw, an incision is … to relieve pain and reduce swelling. You can start physiotherapy within 48 hours to maintain movement and prevent …
Health topics
… for the teeth in the back of the mouth may be made of gold. During your first visit, your dentist will take out the … and make an impression of your teeth to create a mould used for making the crown. The crown may be temporary. In … the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. The antibiotics lower your risk of …
Health topics
… of coughing you cannot control makes things worse. It causes your airways to close. It also traps the mucus in your … airways. It is best to do it after you use your inhaler or other medicine. Follow these steps for controlled coughing. … drainage, because it helps clear mucus that has built up during the night. It may also be done just before bed to …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview What To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About … in women can cause frequent involuntary release of urine during activities that put pressure on your bladder, such as … request to test the tape's support of your urethra. Other sling surgeries are done in a way that is similar to …
Health topics
… volume (FEV) measures how much air a person can exhale during a forced breath. The amount of air exhaled may be … is the most important measurement of lung function. It is used to: Diagnose obstructive lung diseases such as asthma … FEV1 result than a healthy person. See how well medicines used to improve breathing are working. Check if lung disease …
Health topics
… help yourself be more flexible. Combining stretching with other fitness activities is best. Try to hold each stretch … (aikido or karate), tai chi, or yoga. Build strength. Do housework and yard work on a regular basis. Scrub the bathtub, … Take more walks. Suggest holding meetings with colleagues during a walk inside or outside the building. Or use your …
Health topics
… important to find out if you have a scaphoid fracture, because these fractures need treatment to heal well. With proper … playing sports, such as football, soccer, or basketball, or during activities, such as in-line skating, skateboarding, … Sometimes an X-ray clearly shows a scaphoid fracture. Other times, an X-ray may not show signs of a fracture. If …
Health topics
… Know when to stop and rest. If an activity or exercise causes angina, stop and rest to relieve your symptoms. Be … digest right after you eat. Eat smaller meals more often during the day instead of two or three large meals. Get help … you enjoy. You and your doctor can decide whether to try other treatments. Call your doctor now if: Your angina …