3970 results found
Health topics
… preventing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries has focused on women: women athletes injure their ACLs up to 8 … after jumping: Land with the knees bent. As the knees bend during landing, make sure they travel in a straight path. Do … not to land on one foot. If this is not possible, bring the other foot down as soon as possible to distribute weight …
Health topics
… to understand or that your child is better off not knowing. Use simple language that fits the child's age. Remember that … them. Find out whether the hospital will allow you or another family member to be in the child's room all the time. … like your child to see. See if you can schedule the tour during a less busy time, when one of the nurses in your …
Health topics
… may notice that you're having trouble understanding what others are saying. If you have concerns about your hearing, talk to your doctor during routine visits. Growth and … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… of physical activity may be helpful, such as: Sports or other types of exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, or biking. Work-related activities or household work, such as vacuuming or gardening. Get enough … shoulders, and arms. Be safe. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you're active. If you've been exercising …
Health topics
… have enough energy for sex. They also worry about having another heart attack. Ask your doctor about your risk. Your … nitroglycerin. Tell your doctor if you have angina symptoms during sex. Getting help for problems If you are having … medicine. Some medicines for erection problems can cause serious problems if you also use a nitrate medicine, …
Health topics
… in the thyroid gland . This gland controls how your body uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not cancer and do not … treatment to your head, neck, and chest (especially during childhood) increases your risk for thyroid nodules. … have a fast heartbeat, sweat a lot, lose weight, or have other symptoms of hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid …
Health topics
… (also called talipes equinovarus) is a general term used to describe a range of unusual positions of the foot. … downward. The front of the foot may be rotated toward the other foot. The foot may turn in, and in extreme cases, the … used after surgery to keep the foot in the correct position during healing. After either non-surgical or surgical …
Health topics
… of the day when you are more stressed? What was going on during those times? Were your reactions related more to … with stress work best, and which ones don't work or have other effects you don't like? The more notes you write down, … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… deep vein, usually in the legs. A DVT can be dangerous because it can break loose and travel through the bloodstream to … stays higher than normal. Here are some tips to prevent DVT during a long trip. Stop every hour or so if you are … medicine. When to call a doctor Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services if you have pulmonary embolism …
Health topics
… of ventricular tachycardia (a type of rapid heart rate) or other dangerous arrhythmias , which can be caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. To find out your risk … Have fainted (syncope). Have had low blood pressure during or after exercise. Have extreme left ventricle …