3970 results found
Health topics
… you have pain. Or it may be done if you have foot sores caused by circulation problems. Your doctor will use something … your blood vessel. Often the graft is a vein taken from another place in your leg. But sometimes it is a man-made … tibial artery in your lower leg or foot. You will be asleep during the surgery. Or you will get medicine to numb your …
Health topics
… Information Overview A splint protects a broken bone or other injury. If you have a removable splint, follow your … on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down during the next 3 days. Try to keep it above the level of … removable, ask your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable splint that feels too …
Health topics
… What are shin splints? Shin splints are a condition that causes pain and sometimes swelling in the front part of the … get shin splints from repeated pounding on hard surfaces during activities such as running, basketball, or tennis. … and examining you. The doctor may do an X-ray to rule out other conditions, such as a stress fracture . How are shin …
Health topics
… it is. In some cases, the surgeon makes the final decision during surgery, when the surgeon can see the how strong the … is usually done as arthroscopic surgery. Your doctor uses a lighted tube called an arthroscope, or scope. The doctor puts the scope and other surgical tools through small cuts in your knee. What …
Health topics
… The bench can help a person get into the tub and can be used during the shower. As you help to undress and bathe the … person a towel to dry off, and help dry their back and any other areas that are hard to reach, such as between the …
Health topics
… care , which helps to provide relief from pain and any other symptoms you may have with your disease and may also … By making arrangements in advance, valuable time can be used to spend time with loved ones. Communicating your … can answer questions about treatment and what to expect during the dying process. The team can also help with …
Health topics
… your child takes the medicine for a few weeks. If any bother your child, talk with the doctor. The doctor may be … Common side effects include: An upset stomach or nausea. Diarrhea. Headaches. Trouble sleeping, or being sleepy during the day. A change in appetite. Feeling nervous or on …
Health topics
… places where you will travel, in case you need medical care during your trip. Learn how to use a portable oxygen tank. Know how long it will last. … needed. Get a portable oxygen concentrator and learn how to use it. Some types of oxygen concentrators can be taken on …
Health topics
… aortic aneurysm . It is called an open surgery because the abdomen is opened so the doctor can see and work on … a man-made tube (called a graft). General anesthesia is used for this surgery. You may spend several days in the … surgery recover well. But this surgery has serious risks during surgery and soon after surgery. About 5 out of 100 …
Health topics
… to fall asleep. Sleep less deeply and wake up more often during the night. Have more trouble adjusting to changes in … the sleep they get is enough. Routine poor-quality sleep caused by health problems, medicine use, and stress from major life changes can lead to chronic …