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Health topics
… muscle doesn't get enough blood. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack . It can be a shock to find … person can have a "silent" heart attack, without symptoms. How is coronary artery disease diagnosed? Your doctor will … weight, lowering your stress level, and limiting how much alcohol you drink. A cardiac rehab program can help you make …
Health topics
… Over time, small changes can make a big difference. Here's how to get started. Start slowly. Small changes are easier … screens or books, while you eat. Avoid unplanned eating and drinking Having regular low-calorie snacks throughout the … aren't tempted to keep reaching into the box or bag. Limit alcohol If you drink, limiting alcohol may help you manage …
Health topics
… foods or drinks with added sugar or if you drink a lot of alcohol. And some medicines can cause this condition. What … is genetic, you may see fatty bumps under your skin. How is this problem diagnosed? A blood test is used to … you also take medicine. Your doctor will treat other health problems if they are causing high levels. Health Tools …
Health topics
… worse, symptoms include back pain and a curved upper back. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose osteoporosis, your doctor … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Osteoporosis: Should I Have a Dual-Energy X-Ray … or certain other medicines. Drinking too much alcohol. Smoking. Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D. …
Health topics
… Overview Health Tools Signs That a Child Is Being Bullied How Children Can Discourage Bullying What Children Should Do … others are more likely to drop out of school, have drug and alcohol problems, and break the law. If you think your child is …
Health topics
… night or wake up too early the next morning. These sleep problems may come and go, or they may be ongoing. What … events. Your habits before bedtime may also affect how well you sleep. What are the symptoms? People with … steroids, and over-the-counter allergy medicines. Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can also lead to insomnia. …
Health topics
… Overview People who have substance use disorder keep using alcohol or other substances even though it causes harm to … and medicines. Doing any of these can cause serious health problems and problems with money and the law. It also can … Not keeping themselves clean. Having changes in what and how they eat. For example, they may not eat as much as they …
Health topics
… Health Tools Recovery At Home Coping With Emotions Common Problems Postpartum Checkup Health and Nutrition Newborn … have some bleeding and afterpains as your uterus shrinks. How can you care for yourself? It is easy to get too tired … Nutrition While Breastfeeding . If you breastfeed, avoid alcohol and drugs. If you quit smoking during pregnancy, try …
Health topics
… depends on what your risk of a fracture is and how you feel about the pros and cons of your options. There … predict your risk of a fracture. Bisphosphonates can cause problems with the jaw or thigh bone. But most women do not … regular weight-bearing exercise. Avoid drinking too much alcohol. If you smoke, quit. Bisphosphonates aren't right …
Health topics
… hormones insulin and glucagon . These two hormones control how your body uses the sugar found in the food you eat. Your … pancreatitis? Most cases are caused by gallstones or heavy alcohol use . The disease can also be caused by an injury, … Fluids and air can build up in your stomach when there are problems with your pancreas. This buildup can cause severe …