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3912 results found
Health topics
… You have emergency symptoms, like severe trouble breathing. How do you use a daily action plan? Learning the zones Heart … Limit drinks and foods with added sugar. Limit or avoid alcohol. Ask your doctor how much, if any, is safe. Manage other health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. If you …
Health topics
… using Overview Support is available to help you understand how certain drugs might affect your pregnancy and to help … are sometimes prescribed to treat anxiety or sleep problems. These can be harmful to your baby when taken … especially if they are taken at the same time as opioids or alcohol. It is recommended you talk to your health care …
Health topics
… you have serious diarrhea, which is more likely to lead to problems with dehydration. Dehydration may alter the effect … being taken, such as oral contraceptives or antimalarials. How is traveller's diarrhea treated? Treatment for … of infectious diseases. Washing with treated water or using alcohol wipes or antibacterial gels to disinfect your hands …
Health topics
… Teen Substance Use Actionset Overview If your teen is using alcohol, tobacco, or other substances, take it seriously. … their identity, build relationships, and do well in school. How to recognize and deal with teen substance use Looking … not only about drug and alcohol use but about other problems that may be going on. For example, there may be …
Health topics
… last for hours, a few days, or even weeks. Gout can affect how much you can move the affected the joint. How is it … can be brought on by: Being overweight, drinking too much alcohol, eating or drinking things made with high-fructose … relief and preventing future gout attacks and long-term problems. These include joint destruction and kidney damage. …
Health topics
… blood tests and maybe a liver biopsy to check for liver problems. If you have used antiviral medicine once without … levels of liver enzymes in your blood and a biopsy shows no signs of liver damage. People who have had an organ transplant or who drink too much alcohol or use illegal drugs may not be able to take some …
Health topics
… What is shift work sleep disorder? What problems can it cause? Shift work sleep disorder is trouble … trouble staying alert when you are supposed to be awake. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will use a sleep journal … because they eat high-calorie or high-fat meals. Don't have alcohol or caffeine in the hours leading up to bedtime. Get …
Health topics
… the bathroom but can't get there in time. Bladder control problems are very common, especially among older adults. … incontinence , you may have symptoms of both problems. How is urinary incontinence diagnosed? Your doctor will ask … fizzy drinks like soda pop. And don't drink more than one alcohol drink a day. Eat foods high in fibre to help avoid …
Health topics
… This type of nerve damage can lead to serious foot problems. The damage usually gets worse slowly, over months … that can lead to poor circulation or low blood pressure. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check how well you can … have nerve damage. People with diabetes who drink too much alcohol are also more likely to have nerve damage. Symptoms …
Health topics
… it can be life-threatening or cause serious long-term problems. Often, environmental and physical conditions can … or loose-fitting clothing for the environment. Drinking alcohol also increases your risk of dehydration. Many … illness ? Yes Heat-related illness No Heat-related illness How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 …