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3912 results found
Health topics
… thinner, you need to take extra steps to avoid bleeding problems, such as preventing falls and injuries. Depending … you take, you may have to get regular blood tests and watch how much vitamin K you eat or drink. If you have a low risk … have kidney or liver disease, or drink large amounts of alcohol. When you take an anticoagulant, also called a blood …
Health topics
… pregnancy. You may have questions about what to expect and how to prepare for your baby’s arrival. Healthy eating, … of your physical and emotional health during pregnancy .   Alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy Taking drugs or drinking during pregnancy can harm your baby. Learn more …
Health topics
… Other symptoms may include belly or rectal pain. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may have … Not getting enough physical activity. Drinking too much alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk for cancer and other health problems. Your risk of harm from alcohol is low if you have …
Health topics
… they can make it harder to manage your pain. Learning how to control your pain can help with all of these things. … a way to help you stay well and cope with pain by changing how you think. And how you think affects how you feel. … or with a counsellor, you can practice these three steps: Stop. Notice your thoughts. When you notice a negative …
Health topics
… nodes. Extreme tiredness. Weight loss. Fever. Night sweats. How is HIV diagnosed? A doctor may suspect HIV if symptoms … together. Use condoms in the meantime. Don't drink a lot of alcohol or use illegal drugs before sex. You might let down … strong. A heart-healthy diet can help prevent some of the problems, such as high cholesterol, that can be caused by …
Health topics
… your risk for oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy alcohol use. Other risk factors are being male and having an … combinations of risk factors, such as using tobacco and drinking alcohol, increase the risk for oral cancer more … or your dentures fit poorly Changes in your voice Dry mouth How is it diagnosed? Your dentist or doctor may look closely …
Health topics
… Damaging or vandalizing another person's property. Using alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Having risk-taking behaviour, … actions or saying that the actions are justified because of how he or she has been treated. The possibility of teen … of bullying Poor school performance or attendance Frequent problems with figures of authority What can you do if you …
Health topics
… acute prostatitis, you may also have a fever and chills. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can often tell if you have … prostatitis you have or to look for another cause of your problems. How is prostatitis treated? Treatment for chronic … for a few minutes every hour while you are awake. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy or acidic foods, especially if …
Health topics
… and prevent sudden heart failure. Your doctor will tell you how much sodium you can eat each day. You may need to limit … poultry, and milk and milk products. Should you limit alcohol? Talk to your doctor about how much alcohol, if any, is safe for you. Alcohol consumption can …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Family therapy is … family will become ill. This cycle will continue until the problems are examined and treated. Any change in one member … or substance use disorder, such as severe depression or alcohol use disorder. Family therapy can also be useful …