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Health topics
… Overview Herbal supplements that may be used to relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia … either study how the extract was made or how much the men used. See more information on rye grass pollen extract . … up for very long. The type of extract and how much was used was also different in each study, so the results are …
Health topics
… A urinary catheter is a flexible plastic tube that's used to drain urine from the bladder when a person can't … When the catheter is in the bladder, a small balloon is used to keep the catheter in place. The catheter lets urine … the bladder into a collection bag. Urinary catheters can be used in both men and women . A catheter that stays in place …
Health topics
… bring close objects into focus. As a result, images are focused behind the retina instead of directly on it, leaving … farther from your face helps you see the words. What causes it? Presbyopia is a natural part of aging. As you grow … it happens quickly. What happens Near vision gets worse because of presbyopia starting around age 40. It gradually gets …
Health topics
… Salmonellosis is a type of foodborne illness caused by the Salmonella enterica bacterium. There are many … are the most likely to have severe infections. What causes it? You can get salmonellosis by eating food … unwashed hands of an infected food handler. A frequent cause is a food handler who does not wash their hands with …
Health topics
… Staph foodborne illness is a type of foodborne illness caused by infection with the Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) … that have no signs of spoilage, such as a bad smell. What causes it? Most people get staph poisoning by eating … the symptoms? Symptoms of staph foodborne illness include nausea, vomiting, retching, stomach cramping, and diarrhea. In …
Health topics
… gland makes hormones that control how your body makes and uses energy (metabolism). A doctor may take out part or all … lobe, the isthmus, and part of the other lobe. This is used for hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease . What To Expect Many people leave …
Health topics
… you have pain. Or it may be done if you have foot sores caused by circulation problems. Your doctor will use something called a graft to make the blood go around … cuts are called incisions. If one of your veins is being used for the graft, the doctor will make another incision in …
Health topics
… Your province may have a care plan template that you can use. If not, you can find one at … testing for ketones. And you need to teach the staff how to use these items. Remind the staff that your child needs … give, and how to store it. Your child may get it as a shot, use an insulin pen, or have an insulin pump. Other medicine. …
Health topics
… medicines are not studied in pregnant women. That's because researchers worry about how the medicines might affect … that aren't safe in the first trimester may be safe to use later in the pregnancy. Medicines you need to avoid … medicine isotretinoin. This medicine is very likely to cause birth defects. It should not be taken by women who are …
Health topics
… Hemorrhoids On this page: Health Tools Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … You can have both types at the same time. What causes them? Hemorrhoids are usually caused by too much pressure on the veins in the pelvic and …