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1322 results found
Health topics
… leading to diastolic heart failure. Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease can narrow the arteries that supply blood to the … leading to diastolic heart failure. Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease can narrow the arteries …
Health topics
… written information or instructions to help me care for the disease or condition I have, such as instructions about … written information or instructions to help me care for the disease or condition I have, such as instructions about …
Health topics
… emotional stress, or brain conditions such as Parkinson's disease or stroke. Many times doctors don't know what causes … Emotional stress. Brain conditions such as Parkinson's disease or stroke. Overactive bladder is a kind of urge … Blockage of the bladder. Chronic bladder infections . Diseases and conditions that may cause urinary incontinence …
Health topics
… which is any medical treatment that is given to cure your disease or to try to help you live longer. Hospice … from pain and any other symptoms you may have with your disease and may also include treatment to help you live … to know? If you find out that you have a life-threatening disease or condition, talk with your doctor about the kind …
Health topics
… incontinence is the accidental release of urine. It's not a disease. It's a symptom of a problem with a man's urinary … affect nerve signals from the brain, such as Parkinson's disease or stroke. Kidney or bladder stones . Blockage due … such as diet, allergy, and cold medicines. Several diseases or conditions may increase your risk of urinary …
Health topics
… long time (also known as febrile convulsions). Alzheimer's disease. Epilepsy may develop even though you do not have … long time (also known as febrile convulsions). Alzheimer's disease. Epilepsy may develop even though you do not have …
Health topics
… weaken your immune system , making it harder to fight off disease. If you already have a health problem, stress may … , especially if you have a chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis Emotional problems , such as … (atherosclerosis). It's also linked to coronary artery disease, heart attack, and heart failure. Muscles. Constant …
Health topics
… mild to severe. Sickle cell disorders include: Sickle cell disease (hemoglobin SS disease). This occurs when both genes produce hemoglobin S. Someone with this disease typically has symptoms of anemia , mild to …
Health topics
… Jewish genetic panel is a test to look for certain rare diseases. These diseases occur most often in people of Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage. Most of these diseases can't be treated, and they can cause severe …
Health topics
… way to help protect you or your child from getting certain diseases that can be spread to other people (infectious diseases). And there are often no medical treatments for these diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to …