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1322 results found
Health topics
… reduce swelling and inflammation caused by an injury or a disease. Some NSAIDs can also help ease cramping and reduce … and stroke. This is especially true if you have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. This risk may be higher if you use NSAIDs for a …
Health topics
… What is valley fever? Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through … in the fungus ( Coccidioides immitis ) that causes the disease. The fungus grows in the soil. It gets into the air … of the coverings around the brain and spinal cord. The disease is more likely to spread to other areas of the body …
Health topics
… also need regular dilated eye examinations to help find eye diseases early. Finding and treating eye diseases early can help prevent or delay vision loss. Major … eye examinations. Treat retinopathy early to keep the disease from progressing. Glaucoma It increases pressure in …
Health topics
… They'll also ask if you have a family history of joint disease. You may have a physical examination to see how … will be done if your doctor thinks that you may have this disease. You may have an X-ray, a test for the HLA-B27 gene … an MRI of the sacroiliac joints . The clearest sign of the disease is a change in the sacroiliac joints at the base of …
Health topics
… the mumps vaccine existed, mumps was a common childhood disease in Canada and the United States. What causes it? … people as much as you can so that you don't spread the disease. How is mumps treated? In most cases, people recover … serious problems. It's also important because mumps is a disease that spreads easily, and outbreaks can easily occur. …
Health topics
… Cystic Fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common genetic disease that causes mucus in the body to become thick and … who have CF can have serious breathing problems and lung disease. What Causes It? CF is caused by a changed (mutated) … Carrier? If tests show that you are a carrier of a genetic disease, your partner also should be tested. In most cases, …
Health topics
… heart rhythm and whether you have other forms of heart disease. If your irregular heartbeat is caused by another type of heart disease (such as cardiomyopathy or a valve problem), you may need to limit your activity because of the other heart disease. How can you safely start an exercise program? …
Health topics
… the cause of symptoms. Confirm a diagnosis. Screen for a disease. Find out how serious a disease is. Find out if a treatment is working. Make sure … A false-positive test result is one that shows that a disease or condition is present when it isn't present. A …
Health topics
… belly (abdominal) pain. These illnesses include sickle cell disease , diabetes , inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) , and cystic fibrosis . Sudden (acute) … belly (abdominal) pain. These illnesses include sickle cell disease , diabetes , inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) , and …
Health topics
… MD - Family Medicine Devika Singh MD, MPH - Infectious Disease Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: Healthwise … MD - Family Medicine & Devika Singh MD, MPH - Infectious Disease This information does not replace the advice of a … MD - Family Medicine Devika Singh MD, MPH - Infectious Disease Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: Healthwise …