1924 results found
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… Observe how your child interacts with others and behaves during play or while doing specific tasks. This can help you … calming feeling. Others may not feel pain at all. Symptoms during childhood People who have ASD are born with it. In … new skills or lose their social and language skills. During the second year of life, parents may notice that …
Health topics
… You may also consider in vitro fertilization (IVF). During IVF, eggs and sperm are mixed in a lab to fertilize … most common type of ART is in vitro fertilization (IVF). During IVF, eggs are fertilized by sperm in a lab. The … and natural health products. Some medicines interfere with pregnancy. Write down when your period starts and stops for …
Health topics
… will be able to choose the ones that you find most helpful during the labour and birthing process. If you're still not … Resources & Links: Labour and delivery Contractions during pregnancy: What to expect … Telling pre-labour and …
Health topics
… complications: Drink plenty of fluids. Do this especially during intense activities. Increase your level of … blood test can show whether you have sickle cell trait. During pregnancy, a woman can have a test to find out if the baby …
Health topics
… when you are more active. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you exercise. To ease breast discomfort, … that it takes up to a year to lose the weight they gained during pregnancy. If you wish to lose weight while breastfeeding, …
Health topics
… care needs. Your doctor may talk about various issues during your baby's regularly scheduled checkups. In addition … with Down syndrome prone to minor blockages from mucus during respiratory infections. A stuffy nose forces your … want to discuss how the condition may be diagnosed during pregnancy. Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… understood. Treatment with hormones such as progesterone during pregnancy may increase the risk of hypospadias. Certain … How is it diagnosed? Hypospadias is usually diagnosed during a physical examination. If severe hypospadias is …
Health topics
… delivery. Your body is getting rid of the extra fluid from pregnancy. You may also sweat heavily as you lose the extra … you had an incision ( episiotomy ) or a tear in your vagina during childbirth, your bowel movements may be painful. You … you had an incision ( episiotomy ) or a tear in your vagina during childbirth, your bowel movements may be painful. You …
Health topics
… Causes of facial injuries Facial injuries most often occur during: Sports or recreational activities, like ice hockey, … Falls. Fights. In children, most facial injuries occur during sports or play or are caused by falls. Minor facial … loss of consciousness Did the loss of consciousness occur during the past 24 hours? Yes Loss of consciousness in past …
Health topics
… in your range of motion. Shoulder injuries most often occur during sports activities, work-related tasks, projects … Sometimes nerves or blood vessels may be injured or pinched during the injury. In that case, the shoulder, arm, or hand … a specific injury, especially if symptoms began slowly or during everyday activities. Overuse injuries occur when too …