1924 results found
Health topics
… This treatment is only for internal hemorrhoids. During the procedure, the doctor uses a device that creates … done in a doctor's office. You may feel heat and some pain during the procedure. Afterward, you may have a sensation of … fibre to ensure smooth bowel movements. If you strain during bowel movements, hemorrhoids can come back. Why It Is …
Health topics
… Swallowing air when sucking. A baby may swallow excess air during bottle-feeding when drinking too rapidly or when … the following tips to relieve abdominal gas in your baby during and after feeding. Use the proper position during feeding. Feed your baby in a partially upright …
Health topics
… in your body. It can happen from normal hormone changes during infancy, puberty, or as men age. Or it may be caused … gynecomastia from rapid changes in their hormone levels during puberty. Men can develop gynecomastia from … pain. Some breast enlargement is common in adolescent boys during puberty. But it is usually temporary and goes away …
Health topics
… You can try non-medical options that can help with pain during childbirth. Some examples include breathing in a … can ask someone to massage your shoulders and lower back during contractions. Imagery. You can imagine a peaceful … ease stress in early labour. Acupuncture. This treatment during labour may help you manage pain. What are the risks …
Health topics
… rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. During exercise, your body may need three or four times your … your muscles need more oxygen when you exert yourself. During exercise, your heart typically beats faster so that … beats both faster and stronger to increase cardiac output during exercise. Sufficient cardiac output helps keep blood …
Health topics
… sac that forms on an ovary . A sac normally forms during ovulation to hold a maturing egg. Usually the sac … after the egg is released, the sac can swell up with fluid. During the normal monthly menstrual cycle, one of two types … causing your symptoms. Your doctor may find an ovarian cyst during a pelvic examination . You may have a pelvic …
Health topics
… People who have occupational asthma usually have symptoms during the workweek. They may cough or wheeze. Or their … they leave the workplace. Symptoms generally get better during weekends and holidays. If you have any of these … called a specific inhalation challenge, will also be done. During this test, you're exposed to a small amount of a …
Health topics
… or more obvious when you strain or bear down (for example, during a bowel movement). A rectocele and an enterocele may … within 2 to 4 weeks. It is important to avoid constipation during this time. Your doctor will give you special bowel … ), urethral prolapse ( urethrocele ), or uterine prolapse during your pelvic examination, that problem can also be …
Health topics
… if your sleep problems get worse, or if you feel very tired during the day. How can you help yourself sleep well? Here … to avoid Limit caffeine (coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas) during the day, and don't have any for at least 6 hours … before bedtime. Alcohol can cause you to wake up more often during the night. Try not to smoke or use tobacco, …
Health topics
… fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink extra fluids before, during, and after exertion and when you're in the heat. … alcohol. Children should keep a water bottle with them during school, play, and outings. Eat healthy foods. Healthy … and playing in cold water. Stay safe at high altitudes and during air travel. Low oxygen levels caused by high …