1924 results found
Health topics
… What time did you get up? Did you wake up during your sleep time? How many times? For how long? Did … unusual or stressful = 5) What did you do during the 30 minutes before bed? Yesterday, … What time did you get up? Did you wake up during your sleep time? How many times? For how long? Did …
Health topics
… and is released as gas (flatus). Babies often swallow air during feeding. It is important to burp your baby during and after feeding. Swallowed air may cause a baby to … and is released as gas (flatus). Babies often swallow air during feeding. It is important to burp your baby during and …
Health topics
… Citations Cluett ER, et al. (2018). Immersion in water during labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic … Medicine Cluett ER, et al. (2018). Immersion in water during labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic … Citations Cluett ER, et al. (2018). Immersion in water during labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic …
Health topics
… The main reason doctors recommend removing the ovaries during hysterectomy is to lower the risk of ovarian cancer … cancer when deciding whether to have your ovaries removed during your hysterectomy. Your doctor will help you find out … cause hot flashes and other symptoms. Removing the ovaries during hysterectomy poses no additional surgical risks than …
Health topics
… somnolence (EDS), which means you fall asleep suddenly during the day or feel very tired all the time. This can be … medicine or give you medicine to help you feel more awake during the day. Insomnia . In Parkinson's disease, insomnia … you have trouble falling asleep or that you wake up a lot during the night. Many things can cause problems sleeping, …
Health topics
… obsessive-compulsive disorder. The devices are often put in during separate surgeries on different days. Your doctor … are placed in your brain. You may or may not be awake during the surgery. If you're awake, you will help the … to help place the electrodes. It may seem scary to be awake during this surgery. But your scalp will be numb. You won't …
Health topics
… of ways. You may help your loved one for several weeks during recovery with a number of tasks, including shopping, … Simple cleaning tasks can be too physically demanding during recovery. But a clean house is crucial to both mood … loved one will need to go to frequent doctor appointments during recovery. He or she might also need to go to cardiac …
Health topics
… can range from mild to severe. Stuttering that starts during a child's early language-learning years (ages 2 … stutter. It tends to get worse at stressful times, such as during public speaking. It often doesn't occur during activities like singing, whispering, talking while …
Health topics
… is a less invasive procedure called endovascular repair, during which a tube called a stent graft is inserted through … The test itself doesn't have risks. But what if you learn during the test that you have a bulge in your aorta? There's … with the stent graft in the aorta. And some people die during the operation or soon after. With open surgery (the …
Health topics
… calculate the amount of body fluid that is cleared of urea during each dialysis session. This is called the Kt/V. Kt represents the amount of fluid that is cleared of urea during each dialysis session. It is measured in millilitres … calculate the amount of body fluid that is cleared of urea during each dialysis session. This is called the Kt/V. Kt …