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Health topics
… . The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. Esophagitis can be painful and can make it … you have GERD, stomach acid and juices flow backward into your esophagus. This can irritate the esophagus. Other …
Health topics
… And you can also use more energy by changing some of your routine activities, such as washing your car yourself instead of going to a car wash. Choosing social …
Health topics
… Medicine and Exercise Cardiac Rehabilitation: Monitoring Your Body's Response to Exercise COPD Breathing Exercises: …
Health topics
… failure occurs when heart failure gets worse very quickly. Your heart suddenly cannot pump as much blood as your body needs. Sudden heart failure causes rapid fluid … heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Conditions that affect your need for oxygen. These include anemia (not having …
Health topics
… device. It sends out mild electrical signals that keep your heart beating normally. The signals are painless. It … by batteries. Most pacemakers are placed under the skin of your chest. They have thin wires, called leads. The leads pass through a vein into your heart. A pacemaker can help restore a normal heart …
Health topics
… With Jet Lag Actionset Overview You can't wait to go to your sister's wedding and see family and friends. But you're … you have trouble sleeping, even though you're tired. And your stomach is giving you problems. You have jet lag. Jet … the day. It also can make you feel weak, or you may lose your appetite. You may not be able to have a bowel movement …
Health topics
… life can be better. Being active helps you look and feel your best and lowers your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood … to find activities that fit your lifestyle and your personality. To feel your best, you need at least 2½ hours …
Health topics
… may affect how an organ works. For instance, if it's in your lungs, you may be short of breath. No one can predict … lung tests can also help doctors make a correct diagnosis. Your doctor may ask to take a sample of cells ( biopsy ) … on its own. If the disease affects certain organs—such as your eyes, heart, or brain—you may choose to have treatment …
Health topics
… disorder. When you have this problem, it takes longer for your blood to form clots, so you bleed for a longer time … help stop the bleeding. If you have von Willebrand disease, your blood doesn't clot well. This happens because you don't have a certain protein in your blood. Or you may have low levels of the protein or a …
Health topics
… fever within 2 to 5 days after exposure to the bacteria. Your diarrhea may be bloody, and you may feel sick to your stomach and vomit. The illness usually lasts 1 week. … can be life-threatening. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history and a physical …