3989 results found
Health topics
… real and what isn't real. You talk about suicide or hurting yourself or others. You have severe medicine side effects, … . You need special tests. You need to change or adjust your medicines. You have problems with drugs or alcohol. You … . Doctors will try to find the best way to get you back to your family and community as soon as possible. For the …
Health topics
… Overview Talking with family members about what you want at your funeral is important. Think about the things you want for your funeral. For example: Do you prefer burial to … and no viewing? What special requirements, if any, does your religion require? Do you want flowers at your funeral …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some things may cause your rosacea to flare up. These are called triggers. Here … you drink and eat. Dry skin. Use a moisturizer to protect your face from dryness. Use skin care products for sensitive … And avoid any products that are abrasive or that irritate your skin. Exercise. Stay as cool as possible when you …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview After your spinal cord injury (SCI), you may need a wheelchair. Moving from your wheelchair to other locations is known as a transfer. … have enough upper body strength, you may be able to do this yourself. Your injury and strength will determine what type …
Health topics
… and physical activity later in life. Things that increase your risk for osteoporosis include: Your age. Bones naturally become thinner as you get older. … as hyperparathyroidism or an eating disorder, can increase your risk for osteoporosis. Having certain surgeries, such …
Health topics
… these thoughts with a few simple techniques. Remember that your goal is to feel better with each passing day. Ask … hopeless. Every day make one encouraging statement to yourself. For example, say to yourself, "Every day, I am taking better care of myself and …
Health topics
… learning biofeedback, you may have sensors attached to your body and to a monitoring device. This provides instant feedback on a body function (for example, your skin temperature). The biofeedback therapist may teach … change in that body function. (For instance, you may raise your skin temperature or reduce muscle tension). With …
Health topics
… In the long run, they wear you down and often make your stress worse. Criticizing yourself (negative self-talk) Driving fast in a car Chewing your fingernails Becoming aggressive or violent (hitting …
Health topics
… few minutes after breathing in smoke or fumes from a fire. Your breathing should return to normal within a short period of time, about 30 minutes. If your breathing does not return to normal or if your breathing is getting worse instead of improving, it is …
Health topics
… surgery to remove a piece of the liver. Up to one-half of your liver can be removed if the rest of it is healthy. The doctor makes a cut (incision) in your belly to take out part of the liver. If the doctor removes the right side of your liver, your gallbladder will also be removed. Liver …