3989 results found
Health topics
… A thin, flexible tube called a catheter usually is left in your bladder to drain your urine for 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will give you instructions about how to care for …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the eight carpal bones in your wrist, your scaphoid bone is the one most likely to break. It is …
Health topics
… up when you sit on a bicycle, put in a tampon, or wipe your vulva. Other symptoms may include: Burning or stinging. … Itching. Swelling. Throbbing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will first ask you about your past health, your sexual history, and your symptoms. …
Health topics
… Overview Aerobic exercises increase the flow of oxygen to your muscles. This allows your muscles to work longer, helping you do more activities … can also be aerobic. These activities include walking your dog, doing housework, and playing with children. …
Health topics
… of good nursing homes. Visit several nursing homes with your family. Most nursing homes have an admissions coordinator who is able to answer your questions and show you the facility. Discuss what you … more than once. As you look at the choices before you or your loved one, pay special attention to how each one feels …
Health topics
… Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink plenty of fluids, enough so that your urine is light yellow or clear like water. Get some … if needed. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Your doctor may suggest you use a medicine like polyethylene …
Health topics
… scarring and to promote healing. You may be able to do this yourself for minor wounds. You'll have to stop any bleeding, … If gloves aren't available, put something else between your hands and the wound. You can use many layers of clean … plastic bags, or the cleanest material available. Use your bare hands to apply direct pressure only as a last …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … Surgery? Before Surgery You will have an appointment with your surgeon before your surgery. Take along a list of questions about the …
Health topics
… is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your chances for developing emphysema. Alpha-1 antitrypsin … are a carrier . The good copy of the gene you received from your other parent is enough to tell your body how to properly make alpha-1 antitrypsin. Some …
Health topics
… do not know who will get it and who will not. Neither your fitness level nor being male or female plays a role in … "thinner" at high altitudes. When you go too high too fast, your body cannot get as much oxygen as it needs. So you need … the headache and other symptoms of altitude sickness. As your body gets used to the altitude, the symptoms go away. …