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… Screening On this page: What Is Cystic Fibrosis? What Causes It? What Is Carrier Screening? Who Should Be Screened? … that causes CF. The test can help you find out if you and your partner have an increased chance of having a child born … test shows that you are a carrier of cystic fibrosis (CF), your partner should also be tested. If you had this …
Health topics
… sure they can drive safely. Also, their doctors should reassess their condition about every 6 months, because the disease is likely to progress. Family members can … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… less than 10.0 mmol/L after meals). Gloria kept trying. She used a food log to keep track of everything she ate. She … is that you have to be patient. If you keep track of your numbers, you will see them slowly going down. That is … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… hospital setting, such as when a foot must be amputated because of diabetes complications. But amputation may also … If there is bleeding, do the following: If available, wash your hands with soap and water and put on disposable gloves. … plastic bags, or the cleanest material available between your hands and the wound. Have the injured person lie down …
Health topics
… is a measure of how hard blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Low blood pressure means that your blood pressure … In healthy adults, low blood pressure may not cause problems or symptoms. In fact, it may be normal for you. …
Health topics
… Information Overview What is shock? Shock means that your body and its functions are shutting down. The body goes … when it can't get enough blood to the vital organs like your heart or brain. This may be caused by a sudden illness, an injury, or bleeding. Sometimes …
Health topics
… A health professional inserts a needle into a vein in your arm and removes about 500 mL (17 fl oz) of blood. The … you sit or lie down. During the procedure, they monitor your blood pressure and pulse. What To Expect Some people … especially the liver. Eventually, the excess iron can cause serious organ and tissue damage. Phlebotomy lowers iron …
Health topics
… Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, … to pass gas from 6 to 20 times per day. What are common causes of gas? Common causes of gas include: Swallowed air. If … I prevent it? You may be able to prevent gas by changing your eating and drinking habits. Examples of gas-producing …
Health topics
… guidelines will help you determine the severity of your vaginal bleeding. Severe bleeding means you are soaking through your usual pads or tampons each hour for 2 or more hours. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… out enough blood to keep up with this extra need. What causes it? There are a variety of conditions that can … other types of heart failure, the end result is the same: Your heart isn't supplying enough blood to meet your body's needs. High-output heart failure results in the …