3909 results found
Health topics
… affects male athletes, but anyone can get it. Using public showers and locker rooms increases your chances of getting … The centre of the rash may have a red-brown colour. How is it diagnosed? Jock itch is annoying, but it usually … slide so that he or she can look at it under a microscope. How is jock itch treated? Most ringworm infections of the …
Health topics
… kind of folliculitis goes away on its own in 7 to 10 days. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check your skin and … can help your doctor learn what is causing the infection. How is folliculitis treated? Mild folliculitis usually heals … destroys the hair follicles, so they can't get inflamed. How can you prevent it? There are many things you can do to …
Health topics
… are the symptoms? Symptoms can be different depending on how low your blood sugar level drops. Mild hypoglycemia can … that your pajamas or sheets are damp when you wake up. How is hypoglycemia diagnosed? To diagnose hypoglycemia, … problems that could be affecting your blood sugar levels. How is it treated? You can treat a sudden episode of low …
Health topics
… from the stomach flow back up (reflux) into the esophagus. How can you care for yourself when you have it? Take your … Losing just 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms (5 to 10 pounds) can help. How are medicines used to treat GERD? Antacids, H2 blockers, … with your doctor. You may need to try a different medicine. How is surgery used to treat it? Surgery may be used to …
Health topics
… in your arms, hands, or legs. Inability to move your head. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … test such as an MRI or CT scan to look for other injuries. How can you take care of yourself? Most whiplash improves … for 15 to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. Try a warm shower in place of one session with the heating pad. You can …
Health topics
… the nerves and cord in the cervical spine can change how the spinal cord functions and cause pain, stiffness, … damaged. Loss of bowel or bladder control (incontinence). How is it diagnosed? A diagnosis of cervical spinal stenosis … and vitamin B12 deficiency—as the cause of your symptoms. How is cervical spinal stenosis treated? In mild cases of …
Health topics
… roots or spinal cord. This can cause pain and can affect how well the nerves work. These changes in the discs are … gradually for no known reason and get worse over time. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can often diagnose … while doing a physical examination. If your examination shows no signs of a serious condition, imaging tests (such as …
Health topics
… ICD is a medical decision you make based on your values. How do you turn off an ICD? Your ICD can be turned off by … without turning off the pacemaker. Your doctor can explain how your pacemaker might affect you at the end of your life. How do you decide? Many things can help you decide to leave …
Health topics
… Trouble breathing. Vision problems that get worse. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … joint disease. You may have a physical examination to see how stiff your back is. Your doctor may also want to see … of the low back. This change can take up to a few years to show up on an X-ray. How is ankylosing spondylitis treated? …
Health topics
… when you urinate and pain or bleeding when you have sex. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check your vagina for … can be tested in a lab to see what is causing the problem. How is vaginitis treated? If you're pregnant, talk with your … This usually is treated with estrogen creams or tablets. How can you prevent it? Here are some things you can do to …