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Health topics
… better understand hip injuries, it may be helpful to know how the hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in … and fractures of the hips and pelvis aren't often seen in children unless a severe injury (such as a car crash) has … injury depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. The child's age, general health, and activity …
Health topics
… ). Or the person may have severe wheezing ( allergic asthma ). Life-threatening allergic reactions ( anaphylaxis ). How is it diagnosed? Latex allergy is diagnosed with a … ). Or the person may have severe wheezing ( allergic asthma ). Life-threatening allergic reactions ( anaphylaxis …
Health topics
… antibiotics. Antibiotics kill good bacteria along with the bad bacteria that cause illness. A decrease in good bacteria … certain types (strains) of bacteria or yeast have been shown to work in the digestive tract. Experts still need to … is needed to be sure that probiotics are safe for young children, older adults, and people who have weak immune …
Health topics
… mouth breathing seems to be linked to malocclusion too, but how isn't exactly clear. What are the symptoms? The most … it diagnosed? A dentist usually checks for malocclusion in children during regular dental visits. If the jaw or teeth … for many years after treatment. Bad or Changed Breath Basic Dental Care Gum Disease Mouth …
Health topics
… symptoms. A few people have ongoing, severe symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your … that look inside the colon, and you may have a biopsy. How is Crohn's disease treated? Your treatment will depend on your symptoms and how bad they are. The main treatment for Crohn's disease is …
Health topics
… system to make antibodies and cells that can recognize and attack the organism if you are ever exposed to it. Sometimes … rates drop below a certain level, preventable diseases show up again. Often these diseases are hard to treat. For … or other medicines. What immunizations are recommended for children and adolescents? Childhood immunization schedules …
Health topics
… Trouble breathing when you lie down. Swelling in your legs. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … tissue, called a biopsy , to make a definite diagnosis. How is restrictive cardiomyopathy treated? Most of the time, … irregular heart rhythms. If your condition is very bad, a heart transplant may be an option. How can you care …
Health topics
… to you. What do the results mean? Is it good news or bad news? Maybe it's no news, if you had a test and then … expect to have the results, so then you'll have an idea of how long you have to wait. Why Tests May Be Done There are … Men: 0–15 millimetres per hour (mm/hr) Women: 0–20 mm/hr Children: 0–10 mm/hr Newborns: 0–2 mm/hr What if your …
Health topics
… problems that go on for a long time can affect your health. How does sleep affect your health? Most adults do best when … coffee, watching TV, or using the computer, can also affect how well you sleep. And some medical conditions can cause … that's keeping you from sleep, it can sometimes become a bad cycle. The illness keeps you from sleeping well. And …
Health topics
… know what things cause your angina. For example, you know how much activity usually causes your angina. Key points to … on several things, including which arteries are narrowed, how many are narrowed, and whether you have other health … surgery is open-chest surgery. Its risks include heart attack, stroke, and death. Recovery usually takes at least 2 …