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Health topics
… also have another health problem related to your weight. How much weight people lose after surgery varies. It depends … old. Experts don't usually recommend surgery for obesity in children. footnote 1 Weight-loss surgery for people younger … But to me, the risk of surgery and side effects are as bad as being obese, especially at my age. I might try diet …
Health topics
… act of kindness for your future self. Here are some tips on how to do it. Write down how often you say yes and how it makes you feel. What did you say yes to that felt bad? What did you say yes to that felt good? Include …
Health topics
… It causes confusion, trouble breathing, and other symptoms. How are allergies to insect stings diagnosed? Your doctor … A practice parameter update 2016. Annals of Allergy Asthma Immunology , 118(1): 28–54. … A practice parameter update 2016. Annals of Allergy Asthma Immunology , 118(1): 28–54. …
Health topics
… the "good" cholesterol. LDL cholesterol level. This is the "bad" cholesterol. Other measurements that may be done for a … illnesses, such as coronary artery disease (CAD) , heart attack , or stroke . Your doctor may order a lipid panel as … a medical condition. Follow your doctor's instructions on how to prepare for this test. If your doctor tells you to …
Health topics
… emotions. Emotions are a part of life. They play a role in how you react to things. They can also make you more aware … hear you. Rather than feel upset, you can feel better knowing that it isn't about you. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Rather than focus on something bad, find a way to turn it into something good. For example, …
Health topics
… may leak because of the extra pressure on your bladder. How is it treated? Incontinence can have more than one … stress incontinence after my son was born. My doctor showed me how to do some exercises to strengthen the muscles … lowers my quality of life. My quality of life is not too bad. More important Equally important More important I think …
Health topics
… you can't easily do your daily activities. It's not clear how well bunion surgery works or which kind of surgery is best. How well the surgery works depends on how bad your bunion is, the type of surgery you have, and your …
Health topics
… that are causing the misfiring problem. It may seem like a bad idea to destroy parts of your heart on purpose. But the … atrial fibrillation you have ( paroxysmal or persistent ). How bad your symptoms are. If you have heart failure or a … high. Your doctor can tell you about your stroke risk. How well does catheter ablation work? Catheter ablation can …
Health topics
… enough oxygen. This can cause unstable angina or a heart attack. Unstable angina happens when blood flow to the heart … rest and they're not using much energy or feeling stressed. How is it diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical examination … is causing your symptoms. An electrocardiogram can help show whether you have angina or have had a heart attack. This …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Breast reduction … breasts. It also may be hard to find clothes that fit well. How Well It Works People who have breast reduction surgery … surgery always leaves visible scars on the breasts. But how bad the scars are varies from person to person and by the …