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3981 results found
Health topics
… not agree about whether these supplements can help protect your heart. footnote 1 If you have severely high triglycerides, your doctor may recommend you take fish oil to try to prevent a problem with your pancreas called pancreatitis . …
Health topics
… can be a good source of information and tips for managing your illness and a chance to share your frustrations and problems with others who are in a similar situation. Ask your doctor or contact a local hospital for the location of …
Health topics
… Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18 unless your doctor tells you to do so because of the risk of Reye … which is the most common side effect. If aspirin upsets your stomach, you can try taking it with food. But if that doesn't help, talk with your doctor. Ringing in the ears. Stop taking aspirin or …
Health topics
… a tattoo that you would like to have removed, talk with your doctor about what steps you should take. How well does … different depths. It may take multiple sessions to remove your tattoo. Laser removal can cause blisters, scars, or a lasting change in the colour of your skin where you had the tattoo. Skin colour change is …
Health topics
… which you see computer-produced images. When you move your head, the images on the screen change as they would in … and comfortable place. A counsellor helps you talk about your feelings and thoughts throughout the experience, … and physical distress you feel and learn to handle your thoughts and feelings. Why It Is Done Virtual reality …
Health topics
… or an incision in the belly. It may involve use of either your tissue or artificial material. What To Expect General … for 1 to 2 days. You will probably be able to return to your normal activities in about 6 weeks. Avoid strenuous activity for the first 6 weeks. Then increase your activity level bit by bit. Most people are able to …
Health topics
… growths in the cervical canal. This is the passage between your uterus and your vagina. Almost all cervical polyps are non-cancerous … Almost all cervical polyps are non-cancerous (benign). Your doctor may decide to send the polyp to the lab to have …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Raising your core body temperature is called hyperthermia. It can harm your developing baby (fetus). It's most harmful during the … To help keep from getting too warm in a hot tub, sit with your arms and chest above the water. footnote 1 Get out …
Health topics
… an extra lump or mass above the testicle on one side of your scrotum. Or you may notice a general enlargement of your scrotum. Symptoms, when present, can include pain, … by examining the scrotum. As part of the examination, your doctor will shine a light behind each testicle …
Health topics
… Most probiotics are like the bacteria that are already in your digestive system. Some probiotics have been used for a … is needed to be sure that probiotics are safe for young children, older adults, and people who have weak immune … If you take a probiotic supplement, be sure to tell your doctor about everything you take, including the …