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3981 results found
Health topics
… cooked dried beans, and eggs. You have trouble shopping for yourself. Find a grocery store that offers online ordering … cooked dried beans, and eggs. You have trouble shopping for yourself. Find a grocery store that offers online ordering …
Health topics
… sugar. Here are some things to look for: Serving size. Ask yourself: Is that the amount you eat in a serving? All of … sugar. Here are some things to look for: Serving size. Ask yourself: Is that the amount you eat in a serving? All of …
Health topics
… way. Learn about the proactive steps you can take to keep your baby safe.  Creating a safe environment for your baby It’s important to create a safe space for your … safety, birth to 2 years Safe chairs for baby's first yea r Child safety: Strollers and shopping carts Child car seats …
Health topics
… Seizures On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … that the tool asks the right questions for you. Did your child have a seizure while he or she had a fever? Yes Fever … unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an …
Health topics
… Genetic (HFE) Screening? Screening tests help your doctor look for a certain disease or condition before any symptoms appear. This can increase your chance of finding the problem at a curable or more … you have a close family member—parent, brother, sister, or child—with the condition. It is best to get tested when you …
Health topics
… way towards reducing the stress you feel when it comes to your health and the health of those in your care. Whether you have seen a health story on the news, your child has come home from school with a note about … as quickly as possible. Diseases and conditions Allergies Asthma Bowel and Gastrointestinal Conditions Cancer Colds …
Health topics
… "ANN-yuh-riz-um") is a bulge in a blood vessel (artery) in your leg. The bulge occurs in a weak spot in the artery. It … or if they cause symptoms. How can you care for yourself? Having an aneurysm means you may also have other … or if they cause symptoms. How can you care for yourself? Having an aneurysm means you may also have other …
Health topics
… of fitness instruction DVDs and videos (or borrow them from your local library). The advantage of working with a DVD or video is that you can do a workout in your own home at a time that's convenient for you. You can … in the body). When you're deciding on a DVD or video, ask yourself these questions: Is it an activity I enjoy? If you …
Health topics
… heart-healthy diets recommend getting less than 35% of your calories from fat. But in the Mediterranean diet, an … the heart and blood vessels. How can you make it part of your eating plan? Here's how to eat a traditional … like soda. If you drink alcohol, include red wine with your meal if you like. Limit wine to 1 glass a day if you're …
Health topics
… and learning how to take shortcuts in the kitchen. Keep your kitchen stocked with quick and easy meal ingredients Keeping commonly used foods in your kitchen can help you pull together a quick meal in no … that has already been cut into strips or cubes cuts down on your preparation time. Precooked chicken. Most grocery …